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Requiem for a Bug – Verifying Software: Testing and Static Analysis

This article offers two approaches toward addressing the problem of software verification at increasing levels of sophistication.

This article is part of the嵌入Software系列:Enforced Coding Using Ada Contracts

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• Testing by writing a simple unit test

• Static analysis using the CodePeer tool


The sample program that will illustrate the different methods is a binary search for a particular value in a sorted array; the search function returns the index of the value (if present) and zero otherwise. The same value may occur more than once in the array; in such a situation, the search function is to return the index of one match.

二进制搜索是一种众所周知的算法,可以在排序的数组中找到给定值。二进制搜索不会从一开始搜索整个数组,而是将数组中间的数组值与给定值进行比较。如果前者更大,则搜索将继续在该中间价值的左边。否则,它将继续向右。通过这种方式,二进制搜索将在每次迭代时将搜索空间分成一半,直到它找到值或得出结论,它不能在数组中。标准线性搜索具有O(n) execution time, while a binary search isO(日志2(n))

二进制搜索是一种非常基本的算法,但是编程时犯错误非常容易。唐纳德·努斯(Donald Knuth)等伟大的思想指出了这一点1and Jon Bentley2。If you’re interested in further information, I invite you to read a recent “Stack Overflow” discussion3, but only after reading my articles.

Here’s my first try at implementing the binary search algorithm:

Integer_Array类型是数组(正面范围< >)Integer; -- Positive is the subset of Integer values in the range 1 .. Integer'Last -- An object of type Integer_Array has a Positive lower bound and any upper bound function Search (A : Integer_Array; Value : Integer) return Natural is -- Natural is the subset of Integer values in the range 0 .. Integer'Last Left : Positive := A'First; -- Index of lower bound Right : Positive := A’Last; -- Index of upper bound Split : Positive; begin while Left <= Right loop Split := (Left + Right) / 2; if A (Split) = Value then return Split; elsif A (Split) < Value then Left := Split + 1; else Right := Split - 1; end if; end loop; return 0; end Search;

This implementation assumes that the array indices are positive numbers (but not necessarily starting at 1). However, the result of the function is a Natural value, which includes zero. This allows the function to return the special value zero, which cannot be a valid index in the array, to indicate that the value was not found.

该算法保持两个指数 - 左且正确。这些表示算法当前正在搜索的区域。该范围以外的任何东西都被排除在外。在每个步骤中,该算法都计算左右之间的中间点,将该索引的值与给定值进行比较,然后返回结果或排除从区域中搜索的区域或右侧区域。一旦要搜索的区域变为空(循环的退出条件),该算法就可以返回零,表明该值不存在。


我创建了一个在1到100之间的10个随机整数的数组,并按顺序排序。然后,我将上面的搜索函数与此数组一起用作第一个参数,所有整数在1到100之间作为第二个参数。对于每个值,我检查结果是否为预期的一个:0,如果该值不在数组中;否则,它将返回索引,使得a(i)= value



if A (Left) > Value then return 0; end if;

My seemingly exhaustive test found no more problems.

Shown is a screenshot of a CodePeer session with CodePeer messages and computed preconditions.

Then I ran the static analysis tool CodePeer, which examines Ada code for potential run-time errors and logic bugs. CodePeer reports problematic constructs in source code, and computes preconditions for functions, i.e., conditions that need to be met by the caller. A screenshot of the CodePeer report for our example appears in the figure. In this case, it is very interesting to look at the computed precondition for our Search function:

-- A(A'First)'Initialized -- A'Last >= 1 -- A'First <= A'Last



function Search (A : Integer_Array; Value : Integer) return Natural is -- Natural is the subset of Integer values in the range 0 .. Integer'Last Left, Right, Split : Positive; begin if A'Length = 0 then return 0; end if; Left := A'First; Right := A'Last; if A (Left) > Value then return 0; end if; while Left <= Right loop Split := (Left + Right) / 2; if A (Split) = Value then return Split; elsif A (Split) < Value then Left := Split + 1; else Right := Split - 1; end if; end loop; return 0; end Search;

With its default settings, CodePeer did not identify any additional bugs in this code. Is the program now correct? We’ll answer this issue in Part 2 of this series, when we use SPARK 2014 and formal methods to augment our verification approach.

嵌入Software系列:Enforced Coding Using Ada Contracts

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1. D. Knuth,计算机编程的艺术,第3卷:(第二版)分类和烧烤ching;Addison Wesley Longman; 1998

2。J. Bentley,Programming Pearls (Second Edition); Addison-Wesley; 2000.


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