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Measure Self-Discharge Using OCV on Lithium-Ion Cells




The loss of stored energy wasn’t caused by an external load (such as a light bulb or motor), but rather by self-discharge, where the energy was lost as a tiny amount of heat to an internal load inside the cell. This self-discharge, which is sometimes called leakage, reduced the SoC and ultimately reduced OCV. Note that self-discharge is a continuous process, constantly draining the cell and reducing the SoC and OCV.

自我放松的量取决于许多因素:细胞材料/化学,细胞的SOC,细胞温度和细胞的能力。通常,自放电在微型的顺序上。100 mAh的小细胞可能表现出少于10 µA的自分泌物,而100 AH的大细胞可能会表现出500 µA的自分泌物。



如果电池供电的设备是电动汽车,则设计师将希望建立一个电池管理系统(BMS),该系统非常准确地了解电池的SOC,以便将最大范围传递给驾驶员。如果细胞由于自我解脱而失去SOC,则需要将这种损失纳入范围计算中。此外,如果自我放电对制造电池供电的工程师很重要,那么对细胞制造商来说也很重要 - 他们必须向其客户提供此信息,这些工程师是设计电池供电设备的工程师。


1. Step by step description of Delta-OCV method, which includes the measurement method (a), and calculating the equivalent self-discharge current (b).

为了确定自我释放,您首先通过查看OCV1在细胞的OCV与SOC曲线上的位置来确定细胞的SOC。称此SOC1。然后,您查看OCV2,它将告诉您新的SOC。称之为SOC2。SOC = SOC1-SOC2的变化。SOC的这种变化将是少数数字,以AMP*小时为单位(SOC以AMP*小时为单位)。SOC的变化除以测量之间的时间t将是自放电电流。


The challenges in using this method, called the Delta-OCV method, include accounting for cell relaxation and voltmeter measurement error. Another consideration is that OCV will change due to temperature—this topic will be reserved for a future article, as it has the lowest impact on the Delta-OCV measurement method.

Cell relaxation (resulting from charging or discharging) is another characteristic of the lithium-ion cell. To charge the cell, you use a charger to apply an external voltage that’s higher than the OCV of the cell. The applied external voltage charges the cell by forcing current into the cell, increasing its SoC and therefore its OCV. When you stop charging the cell and remove the external charge voltage, the cell OCV drops slightly as the cell relaxes.

Conversely, to discharge the cell, you use a discharger to apply an external voltage that’s lower than the OCV of the cell. This discharges the cell by drawing current from the cell, lowering its SoC and, therefore, its OCV. When you stop discharging the cell and remove the external discharge voltage, the cell OCV rises slightly at the cell relaxes.

The Delta-OCV method uses the change in OCV to determine self-discharge and fundamentally assumes all of the change in OCV is caused by self-discharge. However, OCV can also change due to cell relaxation as just described. Therefore, to ensure a good Delta-OCV measurement, you must wait until the cell is done relaxing before making the first OCV measurement. If you don’t wait long enough, the change in OCV will be the sum of the effects of cell relaxation and self-discharge, causing the calculation of self-discharge current to be wrong.

A Relaxed State

The challenge is to know how long to wait for the cell to become fully relaxed. This needs to be characterized to be certain. During the first few minutes or hours after charge or discharge, the cell may experience several hundred millivolts of OCV change(图2)。This will interfere with a self-discharge measurement. It could take 10 days for a cell to fully relax and have no change in OCV from relaxation.

确定等待多长时间的经验法则将是将由于自我放松而导致的OCV的预期变化与由于放松而导致的OCV的变化。如果您期望由于自我放电而导致OCV的3 mV变化,那么您应该等到由于放松而导致的OCV变化降至30 µV,或者由于自分会值而导致的预期OCV变化的1%。这可能需要一天或更长时间。特定的放松时间是通过在电荷或放电操作后立即记录其OCV与时间来确定的。然后查看OCV中的变化何时足够小,可以说细胞放松(又称足够休息)。



在上面使用的示例中,由于自我放电而引起的三角洲OCV为3 mV。不良细胞将测量3 mV以上,好细胞将为3 mV或更少。这意味着测量精度要求不仅要准确测量3 mV,而且能够准确地测量略多于3 mV和小于3 mV的差异。让我们看看一个例子。

For a 2.4-AH 18650 cylindrical cell, at 80% SoC, we let a good cell rest for eight days. We then measured the change in OCV vs. time, which was 10.4 mV per month, or 431 µV per day. This corresponded to a change of 0.0288 AH per month, or 1.15% SoC per month. The equivalent self-discharge current is 40 µA (= 0.0288 AH/720 hours). We performed a Delta-OCV measurement for seven days, resulting in a change of 3 mV.

We made the same measurements on a bad cell with approximately 100 µA of self-discharge. In this case, the Delta-OCV measurement was 4.3 mV.

这里的测量挑战是,我们正在尝试测量很小的变化(几毫伏)(4.1​​ V)。因此,要测量OCV,电压表必须在大量范围内进行测量4.1V。通常,这将是5或10-V范围,具体取决于电压表的范围。因此,虽然电压表似乎很容易区分3 mV和4.3 mV,但在10-V范围内准确地进行此操作可能并不那么简单。

A handheld DMM will have around 1 or 2 mV of measurement error when measuring 4 V. This means the handheld DMM isn’t accurate enough to measure the 3-mV Delta-OCV and certainly not accurate enough to accurately observe the 1.3 mV difference between the good and bad cell.

转向更准确的台式DMM,6.5位数的DMM将具有约200 µV的误差,而7.5位数的DMM在测量4 V时将具有约100 µV的误差。of the 4-V cell, it’s still marginal to definitively observe the difference between the good and bad cell.


3. KeysightBT2152A自解散分析仪requires less than one hour to directly measure the self-discharge current of lithium-ion cells, thus eliminating the need to wait days or weeks for a change in the cell OCV.


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