
Nov. 10, 2016
许多探针遍布T&M市场 - 要求最佳选择,需要对带宽,衰减比率和加载规范有很好的了解。

Keysight Technologies示波器产品经理Daniel Bogdanoff

从字面上看,有数百种不同的示波器探针可用(Fig. 1),那么您如何选择合适的呢?没有一个答案,因为所有设计都不同。为了帮助决策过程,以下是您需要考虑的一些不同的探针特征。




1. A probe at work on a chip.

Probes have different (sometimes switchable) attenuation ratios that change how the signals are fed into your oscilloscope. For example, a 10:1 probe connected to a 1-V signal will pass 100 mV to the scope’s input. The scope will read the probe’s attenuation ratio and display the correct signal values on the screen so that you needn’t do the calculations in your head.


Probe Loading



通常,探针的衰减比越高,电容载荷越低。因此,1:1探针可能不是最佳选择。通常,1:1探针的电容载荷约为100 pf,而10:1探针通常在10 pf的范围内。因此,即使1:1探针有助于降低示波器放大器的噪声,但仍存在权衡。




Many engineers will only consider an active probe if they need to look at high bandwidths. However, the probe loading from active probes is significantly lower than that of passive probes. By designing a high-frequency amplifier into the probe head, the probe cable and oscilloscope front end are isolated from your DUT. This can bring the probe loading down to 1 pF or better.

What does this mean for your measurements, though? Let’s look at a system with a 1.1-ns rise time. Conventional wisdom would tell you that you only need around 300 MHz of bandwidth. Use the formula:

必需带宽= 0.34/rise_time

So we set up our system and measure our edge with an active probe, and see a 1.1-ns rise time. We then disconnect the active probe and connect the free-with-the-scope 500-MHz passive probe. Subsequently, we measure the rise time and see it has changed to 1.5 ns. What happened? The passive probe’s capacitance is adding more load to our system, and it’s having trouble driving the extra load. The extra load from the probe is distorting the device’s signals! The difference in measured edge speeds can be clearly seen inFig. 2.


So, should I ever use the passive probes that come with my oscilloscope? Yes! Passive probes are great forqualitativemeasurements (i.e., checking clock frequencies, browsing for bugs, etc.). But, active probes excel in定量诸如输出波纹或上升时间之类的测量。尽管主动探针的成本比被动探针高,但它们可以在测量准确性方面产生很大的影响。

If you want to know how much your probes are loading your system, you can double-probe your DUT. First, connect one probe to a known step signal on your DUT (or as close as you can get). Observe and/or save the waveform on the screen. Then, leaving the first probe connected, connect a second probe to the exact same spot and observe the change in your edge speed.

Probe Compensation Range

Probe compensation makes it possible to adjust the impedance of your probes to fine-tune your acquisition system. The input impedance of an oscilloscope can vary from model to model, and even from channel to channel, due to differing component values.

Passive probes typically come with an adjustable input impedance that allows you to impedance match your probe and scope. This ensures that your probe will perform as expected for its rated bandwidth. The probe’s impedance can usually be adjusted on your probe using a small (included) screwdriver.Figs. 3,4, 和5give examples of what an under-, over-, and properly compensated probe looks like:




All of these screenshots are using an identical probe and signal; only the probe compensation has changed.

Your oscilloscope will have a “typical” input capacitance value, and you want to make sure that your probe’s compensation range can match. If your probe can’t fully compensate for your scope, you will get sub-par measurements, especially when measuring higher frequencies.

Connecting to Your Device


Can you use a ZIF tip, an SMA probe head, a solder-in probe head, or my favorite: the N2848A magnetic QuickTip head? Such questions are beyond the scope of this article, but essential to engineers needing to look at fast signals. Make sure you are designing boards that can be probed, and selecting probes that will provide a good connection to your board. The length of your ground lead is also an important part of connecting to your device, because it can act as an antenna.





假设您有200 MHz的范围,并使用了200 MHz探测器。您的系统带宽约为141 MHz。





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