这些发现于1月27日发表the journalScience,可能导致广泛的应用,例如,将发动机和电器的废热转换为电力的热电系统。
伯克利实验室材料科学系的物理学家,伯克利分校的材料科学与工程学教授,研究首席研究员Junqiao Wu说:“这是一个完全出乎意料的发现。”“它显示了一项教科书法的严重崩溃,该法律对传统指挥众所周知。这一发现对于理解新导体的基本电子行为至关重要。”
在学习的过程中二氧化钒的properties, Wu and his research team partnered with Olivier Delaire at DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and an associate professor at Duke University. Using results from simulations and X-ray scattering experiments, the researchers were able to tease out the proportion of thermal conductivity attributable to the vibration of the material’s crystal lattice, called phonons, and to the movement of electrons.
To their surprise, they found that the thermal conductivity attributed to the electrons is ten times smaller than what would be expected from the Wiedemann-Franz Law.
“The electrons were moving in unison with each other, much like a fluid, instead of as individual particles like in normal metals,” says Wu. “For electrons, heat is a random motion. Normal metals transport heat efficiently because there are so many different possible microscopic configurations that the individual electrons can jump between. In contrast, the coordinated, marching-band-like motion of electrons in vanadium dioxide is detrimental to heat transfer as there are fewer configurations available for the electrons to hop randomly between.”
While there are a handful of other materials besides vanadium dioxide that can conduct electricity better than heat, those occur at temperatures hundreds of degrees below zero, making it challenging to develop into real-world applications, the scientists said.
Other co-lead authors of the study include Sangwook Lee at Kyungpook National University in South Korea, Kedar Hippalgaonkar at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering in Singapore, and Jiawang Hong at the Beijing Institute of Technology in China. Lee and Hippalgaonkar started work on this paper as postdoctoral researchers at UC Berkeley. Hong began his work as a postdoctoral researcher at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The full list of authors可在线提供。