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The R&S RTP high-performance oscilloscope fromRohde & Schwarzcombines high-class signal integrity with a fast acquisition rate. A customized front-end ASIC and real-time processing hardware enable quick, highly accurate measurements in a compact form factor.
Front-end components offer an expandable oscilloscope platform from 4 to 16 GHz. Dedicated acquisition and processing ASICs make possible an acquisition and processing rate of 750,000 waveforms/s. The 3 Gpoints/channel allow for long acquisition periods. The high-precision digital trigger can catch the smallest signal anomalies and operate with hardware-based clock data recovery (CDR) on embedded clock signals at an industry-leading data rate of 16 Gb/s, according to R&S.
The R&S RTP is presented as the first oscilloscope that compensates impairment of signal contacting in real-time while maintaining a high acquisition rate. Hardware-based compensation filters are configured with user-applied S-parameters. The real-time math module, directly after the compensation filters, makes it possible to trigger even on de-embedded differential and common-mode signals.
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