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How to Model Statistical Tolerance Analysis for Complex Circuits Using LTspice

本文将使用Monte Carlo和高斯分布以及LTSPICE中的最坏情况分析来提出耐受性分析的技术。



  • 如何使用统计工具进行组件公差分析。
  • 看看Monte Carlo和高斯分布等方法。
  • 模拟LTSPICE中的DC-DC转换器以模拟闭环电压反馈。


Included are four appendices: Appendix A provides insights on the distribution of trimmed voltage references. Appendix B offers an analysis of the Gaussian distribution in LTspice. Appendix C provides a graphical view of the Monte Carlo distribution as defined by LTspice. Appendix D lays out instructions for editing LTspice schematics and extracting the simulated data.




  • WCA要求确定必须最大化的参数或最小化的真实最坏情况结果。
  • WCA results often violate design specification requirements, leading to expensive component selection to obtain acceptable results.
  • WCA results statistically don’t represent commonly observed results; observing a system exhibiting WCA performance may require a very large number of assembled systems.

用于系统公差分析的替代方法是使用统计工具进行组件公差分析。统计分析的好处是结果数据的分布,反映了物理系统中应该常用的分布。在本文中,LTSPICE用于模拟应用于参数公差变化的Monte Carlo和高斯分布的电路性能。将其与WCA仿真进行比较。

Despite the noted issues with WCA, both worst-case and statistical analysis provide valuable insights to system design. For a very helpful tutorial on applying WCA using LTspice, please see “LTSPICE:最糟糕的电路分析,最小Simulations Runs“由Gabino Alonso和Joseph Spencer。

Monte Carlo Distribution

Figure 1显示在LTSPICE中建模的电压参考,蒙特卡罗分布。电压源标称为1.25V,公差为1.5%。蒙特卡罗分布在1.5%公差范围内定义251个电压状态。Figure 2显示251个值的直方图,具有50个箱。Table 1illustrates the associated statistics of the distribution.


Figure 3illustrates a voltage reference modeled in LTspice with a Gaussian distribution. The voltage source is nominally 1.25 V, and the tolerance is 1.5%. The Monte Carlo distribution defines 251 voltage states within the 1.5% tolerance range.Figure 4显示251个值的直方图,具有50个箱。表2.illustrates the associated statistics of the distribution.

高斯分布是具有钟形曲线的正常分布和所示的概率密度Figure 5

表3shows the correlation between ideal and LTspice simulated Gaussian distributions.


公差分析for DC-DC Converter Simulation

Figure 6is an LTspice simulation schematic for a dc-dc converter using a voltage-controlled voltage source to model closed-loop voltage feedback. The feedback resistors R2 and R3 are nominally 16.4 kΩ and 10 kΩ. The internal voltage reference is nominally 1.25 V. In this circuit, the nominal regulated voltage (V出去) or setpoint is 3.3 V.

To simulate the tolerance analysis of voltage regulation, feedback resistors R2 and R3 are defined with a tolerance of 1%, and the internal voltage reference is defined with a tolerance of 1.5%. Three methods for tolerance analysis will be presented in this section: statistical analysis using a Monte Carlo distribution, statistical analysis using a Gaussian distribution, and a worst-case analysis.

Figures 78示出了示意图和电压调节直方图,用于使用Monte Carlo分布的模拟。

Figures 910说明了使用高斯分布的模拟的原理图和电压调节直方图。

Figures 1112使用WCA显示模拟的示意图和电压调节直方图。

表4.Figure 13比较公差分析结果。在该示例中,WCA预测最大的最大偏差,并且基于高斯分布的仿真预测最小。这是说明的Figure 13在一个盒子和晶须绘图 - 固体框表示1-sigma限制,而晶须表示最小值和最大值。


使用简化的DC-DC转换器模型,已经分析了三个变量 - 两个反馈电阻器,内部电压参考用于建模电压设定点调节。施加统计分析,提出了所产生的电压设定点分布。结果是图形绘制的。这与最坏情况的计算进行了比较。结果数据说明了最坏情况限制在统计上是不可能的。


模拟在LTSPICE中进行,在Excel中进行了图表和绘图。提交人希望感谢模拟设备中的若干匿名贡献者,以及从Hach的David Rick,用于本文的指导和见解。

Appendix A


Internal references are Gaussian before being trimmed and Monte Carlo after trimming. The trimming process is typically as follows:

  • 测量预修剪值。分布通常是高斯。
  • Can this unit be trimmed? If not, discard the unit. This step essentially cuts off the tails of the Gaussian distribution.
  • Trim the value. This shifts the reference voltage as close as possible to the ideal. Values that are furthest from the ideal are shifted the most. The trimming resolution is only so fine, though, so reference values that are close to the ideal aren’t shifted.
  • Measure the post-trim value and lock it if it’s OK.

由此产生的分布与原始高斯分布不变的一些值,而其他值则尽可能地堆积,因为它们可以达到理想。得到的直方图类似于顶部的圆顶的列,如图所示Figure 14

虽然这看起来更像是一个随机分发,但它不是。如果产品是后封装修剪,则室温下的分布看起来像Figure 14。如果在晶片排序时修剪产品,则装配到塑料包装中会导致上述分布再次分散。结果通常是偏斜高斯。

Appendix B

附录B是LTSPICE中提供的高斯分布命令的简短评论。将审查Sigma = 0.00333和Sigma = 0.002分布以及理想和模拟高斯分布之间的一些数值比较。本附录的目的是提供仿真结果的图形显示和数值分析。

Figure 15is a schematic for a 1001-point Gaussian distribution for the resistor R1.

感兴趣的是对.Function语句的修改,以定义具有致动机/ 5的高斯函数。这导致标准偏差为0.002,或1/5的1%容差。直方图绘制在Figure 16


Similar results are presented inFigure 17表6.对于Sigma = 0.00333或1/3的公差定义为1%。

Appendix C


Appendix D


  • Edit the LTspice schematic to enable the tolerance analysis.
  • 使用.measure命令和spice错误日志。

Figure 22是蒙特卡罗公差分析的原理图。红色箭头表示.param语句中定义了组件的公差。.param语句是一个香料指令。


Entering{MC(1,Tol)}defines the resistance value to be nominally 1 with a Monte Carlo distribution defined by the parameter tol. The parameter tol is defined as a Spice directive.

进入Spice指令Figure 22可以在控制栏上使用Spice指令瓷砖完成(图24)

.meas命令具有一个非常有用的GUI,用于进入感兴趣的参数(图25)。To access this GUI, enter the Spice directive as a .meas command. Right click on the .meas command and the GUI will pop up.

The measured data is recorded in the Spice Error Log.图26.和27 illustrate how to access the Spice Error Log. This also can be accessed directly from the schematic by right-clicking on the schematic as shown inFigure 27

Opening the Spice Error Log presents the measured values as shown inFigure 28。可以将这些复制和粘贴到Excel中以进行数值和图形分析。


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