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  • How to build a better silicon testbed.
  • Modern software-based testing approaches can automate many aspects of testbed setup.

If we didn’t realize it before, the post-COVID-19 marketplace has been a helpful reminder of just how much our modern world runs on silicon. Fromvehiclesto智能手机toPS5to狗洗,在某些情况下,无数行业看到其供应链被中断grinding business停止。







当设计后发现一个严重的错误baked into silicon, companies often must go back to the drawing board, adding months of delays and thousands of hours of extra, expensive work to the project. In the worst-case scenario—uncovering a major issue after a product has already been adopted by customers—they can take a huge hit to their balance sheet and reputation cleaning up the mess. According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), defects discovered post-release cost 30X more to correct than when identified earlier in the design process.


What can we do to fix this problem? We can start by drawing a line in the sand on what the “right” approach looks like: the goal should be to identify and correct most bugsbefore它们被烤成硅。要到达那里,我们应该以一种更现代,自动化和以软件为中心的方法进行标准化,以验证前验证和后硅后验证。

The good news is that we now have the tools at our disposal to put these ideas into action. Modern EDA systems and emulators are smaller and more efficient than their hardware-based predecessors and are increasingly virtualized and cloud-based. All-software emulators can now use traffic emulation capabilities that already exist in the network. In addition, new virtualized testing systems are able to scale up to test thousands of ports in a fraction of the time of previous approaches.

Just as important, modern software-based testing approaches can automate many aspects of testbed setup—modeling complex network environments in minutes that previously took a week or longer to build manually. These capabilities empower engineers to easily modify the functional building blocks under test and emulate many more protocols and traffic scenarios much more quickly.


Looking Ahead


We’ve all now seen just how critical an efficient, smoothly running silicon ecosystem is to millions of businesses around the world. Industry and government leaders are already taking action to add manufacturing capacity and prevent future disruptions in the global semiconductor supply chain. These are important and welcome steps. But as an industry, we can do more.

The time has come to move away from silicon testing approaches that can barely keep up with the needs of today, much less the high-pressure market demands of tomorrow. By standardizing on modern, software-centric approaches to pre-silicon verification and post-silicon validation, we can shortcut one of the industry’s most common sources of delays and runaway costs. We can ensure that when tomorrow’s technology visionaries want to bring new solutions to market, the silicon they’re depending on is ready to fuel their most transformative innovations.

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As you read this, 5G is rolling out across the United States.. Some people have a 5G compatible phone that can connect to an AT&T network, T-Mobile, o…

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