Anatoly Stojko |

Quantum Computing in the Cloud—Can It Live Up to the Hype?

Nov. 16, 2020
With the increasing accessibility of quantum computing, Rohde & Schwarz’s Sebastian Richter assesses the technology’s potential and what needs to happen next.

What you’ll learn:

  • 的快照量子计算到哪里去了。
  • How the technology will be accessible in the future.
  • 测试和测量解决方案如何支持量子计算技术和应用的开发。






Although it’s here, quantum computing remains at a very experimental stage. In the future, commercial cloud services could provide affordable access in the same way that scientific or banking organizations can today rent cloud AI applications to do complex workloads that are billed according to the number of computer cycles used.




For all its power, quantum computing isn’t here to kill off classical computing or turn the entire world upside down. Because quantum bits (qubits) can be in both states, 0 and 1, unlike conventional binary bits that are in one state or another, they can store exponentially more information. However, their state when measured is determined by probability, so quantum is only suited to certain types of algorithms. Others can be handled better by classical computers.

In addition, building and running a quantum computer is incredibly difficult and complex. On top of that, the challenges intensify as we try to increase the number of qubits in the system. As with any computer, more bits corresponds to more processing power, so increasing the number of bits is a key objective for quantum-computer architects.

Keeping the system stable, with a low error rate, for longer periods is another objective. One way to achieve this is by cryogenically cooling the equipment to near absolute zero to eliminate thermal noise. Furthermore, extremely pure and clean RF sources are needed. I’m excited that, atRohde&Schwarz, we are working with our academic partners to apply our ultra-low-noise R&S SGS100A RF sources(Fig. 1)帮助增加量子数和稳定性。

The RF source is one of the most important building blocks as it determines the amount of errors that must be corrected in the process of reading out the quantum-computation results. A “cleaner” RF signal increases quantum-system stability, reducing errors due to quantum decoherence that would result in information loss.

Besides the low phase and amplitude noise requirements, multichannel solutions are essential to scale up the quantum-computing system. Moreover, as we start to consider scalability, a small form factor of the signal sources becomes even more relevant. We’re combining our RF expertise with the software and system know-how of our partners in pursuit of a complete solution.

Equipment Needs

In addition, scientists are constantly looking for new material to be applied in quantum-computing chips and need equipment to help them accurately determine the exact properties. Then, once the new quantum chip is manufactured, its resonance frequencies must be measured to ensure that no undesired resonances exist. Rohde & Schwarz has developed high-performance vector network analyzers(Fig. 2)for both tasks and can assist in the debugging of the quantum-computing system itself.

我们的合作伙伴是依靠我们提供各种other test-and-measurement solutions to help them increase the performance and capabilities of quantum computers. The IQ mixing is a crucial part of a quantum computer, for example, and our spectrum analyzers help to characterize and calibrate the IQ mixers and suppress undesired sidebands. Moreover, R&S high-speed oscilloscopes(Fig. 3)帮助启用时间域中信号的精确时间同步,这是设置和调试量子计算系统所需的。

As we work with our partners in the quantum world to improve our products for a better solution fit, at the same time we’re learning how to apply that knowledge to other products in our portfolio. In turn, this helps to deliver even better performing solutions.


Already, however, we can see that quantum has the potential to profoundly change everything it touches. No hype is needed.

塞巴斯蒂安·里希特(Sebastian Richter)是ICR市场部门(行业,组件,研究与大学)的副总裁Rohde&Schwarz.

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