Renesas Altran

Renesas and Altran Team to Deploy Smartwatch for Social Distancing

Nov. 16, 2020
Collaboration Develops UWB Wearable Platform for Precision Distance Measurement Applications.

Renesas Electronics and Altran, part of the Capgemini Group, announced a co-developed wearable solution for social-distancing applications based on Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology. Earlier this year, Renesas announced it had licensed UWB technology from 3db Access AG, a fabless semiconductor company specializing in secure UWB low power chips to augment Renesas microcontrollers (MCUs).

The platform’s form factor, a wristwatch, combines the Renesas Synergy S128 MCU featuring HMI capacitive touch with licensed secure UWB technology. Unlike other social-distancing wearables based on technologies, Renesas’ UWB chipset with Low-Rate Pulse (LRP) can operate on up to 10X less power than competing UWB chips, with an accuracy of 10cm or less. The wristwatch’s safe distance is user-configurable; the wearer is alerted by LEDs and haptic feedback when a second device is detected within this range.

Renesas will begin sampling the UWB chipset during the second half of 2021. As co-developer and system integrator, Altran will leverage the UWB-based platform along with other internal assets to develop additional wearable solutions for social distancing as well as related location-based applications for clients across a broad range of markets, and will be showcased in Altran’s innovation lab.


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