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Sept. 21, 2016
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is the latest product-development buzzword, akin to other terms like “the cloud” or “smart cities.” These terms are typically very nebulous, but generally apply to an important set of identifiable products or technologies. They can be more focused, such as “cloud storage” and “cloud computing,” and many companies often identify themselves as providing products and services that fall over these names. The more-focused terminology helps narrow the collection of vendors, products, and services to a more manageable or understandable level. Hopefully, this will be the case with consumer, commercial, and industrial IoT (IIoT).

首先,我们至少需要一个基本的描述IoT. Generally speaking, IoT is a distributed network system that typically employs the internet/cloud for some aspect of its communication and usually includes sensors/control systems, a storage component, a compute component, a user-interface component, and possibly gateways(图。1)

Some devices might incorporate multiple components. For example, a smartphone could provide information from its sensors while also running a user-interface application that displayed information moved up to the cloud. It might also act as a gateway to other devices like a smartwatch or a Bluetooth-based sensor.

1. An Internet of Things (IoT) environment contains a mix of devices connected via the internet/cloud. It’s also possible for edge nodes to connect directly to the cloud without connecting to a gateway.

Granted, the description is very general and a lot of details come into play in an actual system from a plethora of protocols like MQTT and TCP/IP to security and management systems. In theory, an IoT system should be expandable, allowing dynamic changes to its operation and include devices not provided by a single vendor.

Consumer, commercial, and industrial IoT share attributes and are typically built on the same hardware and software platforms. That’s why IoT discussions tend to get murky, especially when delving into the details. For instance, smartphone and tablet apps tend to provide one way of querying and controlling devices. Windows and iOS PCs, on the other hand, generally run the heavier user interfaces, often providing management tools that would be cumbersome on the smaller, portable devices.



消费者IoT设备和服务针对个人用户或家庭。这包括亚马逊的Echo等产品(图2)or Google’s Nest Thermostat(see “为互联网设计的优雅恒温器”)。Hardware tends to be designed for low cost and limited lifetime and maintenance. A device is likely to have a shelf life measured in months or years, with new versions quickly replacing older products on store shelves. The device lifetime may be many years, but replacement rather than maintenance or upgrade is the norm.

2. An example of a consumer IoT device would be Amazon’s Echo voice-control system, which doubles as a wireless music player.


Typically, a vendor’s device and data-management infrastructure isn’t seen or controlled directly by the consumer, although the user’s management support is provided through it and isolated from other users. This may be related to a vendor’s monetization of consumer information or a mechanism for providing additional services, such as Amazon Echo’s ability to place orders for products or services.



商业物联网sits between consumer and industrial IoT and shares aspects of both. Some may actually group commercial and industrial IoT together. The scope of commercial IoT typically resides at the company or organization level. Applications like smart power and lighting would fall under the commercial IoT umbrella.

One example of a commercial IoT platform isVerdigris’Einstein system(图3)。It hooks into existing building power infrastructure to provide smart metering and monitoring to minimize power consumption in large commercial buildings that may have a mix of occupants.

New hardware also supports 4G-LTE connectivity. The cloud-based support employs artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze electrical “fingerprints” and subsequently optimize building controls, sending users critical notifications of energy use. It can also help predict future breakdowns based on system use and operation.

Verdigris’ system highlights some major differences between consumer and commercial IoT systems. The first is scale, followed up by management and analysis. Commercial systems rarely involve single devices—there may be dozens or thousands depending on the application. A number of sites may also be involved in one system, adding to the management challenge.

3. Verdigris’ Einstein smart sensor (above right) can be added to existing installations (above) to provide information to Verdigris’ artificial intelligence platform.

此外,与消费者物联网相比,客户管理和分析要复杂得多。分层访问控制对于数据和控制功能至关重要。客户可能会利用数据库访问以及服务API和数据分析(例如Verdigris的AI支持)。AI在IoT Cloud支持中并非唯一。Watson AI技术可作为IBM的物联网服务的一部分,可以从MED等物联网平台访问(see “mbed IoT Starter Kit Links to IBM's Cloud”)

Industrial IoT

Industrial IoT might be viewed as rugged, long-term commercial IoT, but that overlooks the differences in IIoT’s design and infrastructure. Like many commercial solutions, IIoT solutions often target existing automated industrial systems. The difference is that these systems may be older, so the level of sensors is often based on what was available. They provide sufficient information to control the industrial process, but additional information would be useful if it’s possible to incorporate more sensors. Such sensors might track the status of components such as plumbing. Sometimes, it can provide supplemental information about system wear and tear to anticipate maintenance requirements.


Like commercial systems, industrial IoT is more amenable to gateway use. Incorporating many gateways requires planning, but they ultimately provide the ability to do more processing on the floor. They also enable more independent operation, with the possibility of distributing information locally.

用户customizat IIoT网关通常会有更多ion, or even the ability to run user applications. These systems may require significantly more customization than a commercial system in order to tailor them for a particular industrial process.


IIoT equipment also tends to have more demanding requirements than commercial alternatives. Very long-term support and rugged specifications such as extended temperature support are common requirements for many applications.

So where do IoT applications like smart cars and smart cities fit? Smart cars would fall into the consumer IoT realm, while smart cities might be a mix of commercial and industrial IoT.


Oftentimes, multiple players are involved in support and management of the software, because building an IoT system from scratch isn’t an easy task. On top of that, supporting it in the long term becomes a full-time job that’s usually very distracting for commercial or industrial companies, and a bit ridiculous for consumers.

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