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PCI Express Leads the Way in IoT Connectivity

Aug. 19, 2021
High bandwidth and low latency are just two of the reasons why PCI technology has evolved to become the primary I/O interconnect in the IoT space.

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What you’ll learn:

  • 这role the high-bandwidth, low-latency PCI Express (PCIe) interconnect in the IoT space.
  • 如何在物联网段中使用PCIE架构,例如边缘计算,测试设备,嵌入式/工业PC和汽车。

这Internet of Things (IoT) represents a wide range of vertical markets spanning retail, manufacturing, smart cities, energy and utilities, transportation, public sector, education, hospitality, health and life sciences, automotive, banking, gaming, and entertainment—touching practically every aspect of our human lives(图。1)

IoT represents a wide range of diverse systems spanning edge/gateway, data-acquisition devices, automotive, modular computers, industrial PC, etc. One of the characteristics of the emerging edge and IoT market is the exponential growth in data as illustrated by a few statistics below:

  • 2025年,40多个IoT设备的数据Zettabytes(ZB)占数据的一半以上。1

  • 50% of data processed outside the data center or cloud by 2022.2

  • 43% of AI tasks taking place on edge devices (vs. cloud) in 2023.3

  • 年度企业对企业(B2B)IoT收入超过300B美元。4

Most of that data will be processed, stored, and analyzed at the edge to help deliver better latency, conserve network bandwidth, and improve reliability, security, and privacy. As data growth explodes, high-bandwidth I/O capabilities along with AI will become necessary to transport and transform this data into actionable information and valuable insights. In this article, we will delve into the role played by PCI Express (PCIe) technology as the primary I/O interconnect in the IoT space.



这success of PCIe architecture as a ubiquitous I/O interconnect in the IoT space is due to it being an open industry standard. And it’s backed by a robust compliance program to ensure seamless interoperability between devices made by different companies.


Edge Computing

边缘位置的计算允许资源es needed to move, store, and process data closer to the source of the data or the point of service delivery(图3), catering to different levels of quality-of-service (QoS) expectations.

Based on optimized location, edge computing will be central to developing a new class of applications that require faster decision-making. Edge computing is an evolution and extension of cloud computing to transform the underlying architecture and create an environment ripe for application, service, and business model innovation.


  • Latency and determinism:高级应用,如工厂自动化、robotics, industrial process control systems, video surveillance and security, immersive media applications, autonomous vehicles, and content delivery demand sub-milliseconds to tens of milliseconds of end-to-end latency and deterministic deadline-based response. A traditional cloud-based solution can’t meet this requirement.

  • 带宽:By 2022, 82% of IP traffic will be video content. This traffic is expensive to transport to the cloud and process at a cloud data center. End users and service providers are motivated to process video data at the edge to lower latency, reduce jitter, improve video quality, and create new revenue with value-added services such as content delivery networks (CDNs), cloud gaming, or video analytics for enhanced retail experiences and smart-city applications.

  • 数据区域和法规合规性:随着政府实施政策来保护客户数据并维护其地理位置内的数据,例如欧盟的一般数据保护法规(GDPR),数据隐私和安全性正在推动对广泛边缘部署的需求。

PCIE架构是高带宽,低延迟和安全数据连接性标准,非常适合这些应用。Figure 4显示了本地边缘网关的简化框图以及PCIE技术如何为其内部各个子系统提供连接。

Let’s look at this in detail:

  • Every business needs to proactively plan for network failover for seamless operation. Wide-area network connectivity can be implemented using cellular 4G LTE/5G or wired solutions such as DSL, cable, or fiber-optic connections, each connected through PCIe. In this example, if a wired WAN connection goes down, one can failover to LTE/5G.

  • 这router can provide multiple LAN connections using wired Ethernet or wireless LAN based on Wi-Fi modules. For example, Ethernet-based cameras can be connected to the CPU via an Ethernet switch for a digital surveillance and security (DSS) system. Wireless peripherals such as a point-of-sale (PoS) system in a retail store can connect via the Wi-Fi module.

  • 低数据速率无线连接(例如零售商店中的手持式条形码扫描仪或架子上的温度和湿度传感器)可以通过蓝牙连接到边缘系统。为了提供办公自动化,灯泡,窗帘,遥控器等可以通过蓝牙,Zigbee或Z-Wave无线连接解决方​​案进行通信。

  • DSS and networked video recorders, medical imaging systems, etc. need to store the captured data for further processing. Storage that’s fast, reliable, and secure is critical for IoT applications. A high ratio of capacity to physical footprint, along with the ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions, also is an important consideration as edge devices are installed in outdoor harsh environments such as a petroleum refinery.

  • 这NVM Express (NVMe) specification is an interconnect protocol used to access high-speed storage media. It’s designed to connect high-performance NAND flash memory to compute resources over native PCIe links. It’s a streamlined memory interface with 64K I/O queues, each supporting up to 64K I/O operations, eliminating the legacy SCSI command stack and direct-attached-storage (DAS) bottlenecks associated with traditional hard-drive interfaces. This results in a uniquely tuned I/O architecture optimized for solid-state media.

    Storage at the edge needs the ability to support 24x7x365 ingestion of new data and must have enough extra bandwidth and I/O capacity to handle batch and ad hoc queries against this data. A PCIe-based host interface also provides NVMe SSDs with the high bandwidth needed to process this aggregated data at the edge into knowledge and convert it into actionable intelligence.

  • Depending on the vertical market, IoT gateways support a host of legacy and I/O standards as well as custom I/O interfaces. Since the same CPU design is typically used to develop edge solutions servicing multiple markets to achieve economies of scale, PCIe technology provides an efficient way to connect a variety of I/O controllers to expand and aggregate these interfaces. For example, in the industrial-automation market, industrial Ethernet solutions such as EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, CC-Link-IE, and serial protocols such as CIP (Common Industrial Protocol), PROFIBUS, Modbus, etc. are commonly implemented using PCIe interface aggregator chips. Similarly, BACnet for building automation and control networks, KNX, etc. are used in the building-automation industry.

  • 增强现实技术等新兴应用部门h perception, and gesture recognition require multiple image-sensor interfaces to connect to the application processor with minimal latency between frames. A MIPI-to-PCIe bridge can interface multiple MIPI CSI image sensors and aggregate data to a PCIe output. In the industrial sector, intelligent automation system captures and processes video for building security and quality control. A PCIe bridge captures videos from HDMI, DVI, or SDI interfaces and can transfer full uncompressed video and audio to a host processor for further processing. Similar bridges with LVDS as the video input also are available to support cameras that have LVDS as the video-output interface.

Edge Computing由于其低延迟,高带宽负载商店的语义,与PCIE互连的异质计算的部署增加了。例如,边缘数据处理的增长导致使用专用的加速器用于人工智能(AI),机器学习(ML)和深度学习工作负载。这些基于PCIE的加速器执行并行计算,与传统CPU相比,AI工作负载更快。

Similarly, vision processing units (VPUs) are helping to offload vision workload involving multiple camera streams with high frame rates that have latency-critical processing requirements. A graphics processing unit (GPU) with its massive potential of parallel computing can be used in a vision workload to accelerate the processing of pixel data, in data mining, as well as other AI and ML workloads.

In applications where the algorithms and deep-learning neural networks are still evolving, reconfigurable field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) play a major role. Besides the acceleration functions, FPGAs provide many different connectivity options to connect to cameras, sensors, and other devices.

Test Equipment

Data acquisition is the process of measuring an electrical or physical phenomenon, such as voltage, current, temperature, pressure, or sound. From semiconductor device validation to automated production tests, PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation (PXI) systems deliver high-performance modular instruments and other I/O modules that feature specialized timing and synchronization, as well as key software features for test and measurement applications.

PXI systems use commercial PC-based PCI and PCI Express bus technology while combining rugged modular packaging. With this approach, one can meet requirements for timing, synchronization, and throughput across high-channel-count test applications.

Measurement accuracy is the most important consideration in designing any data-acquisition system. The overall performance of the system, including I/O sampling rates, throughput, and latency, are other top considerations. PXI can meet the ever-more-demanding application needs by incorporating the new PCIe standards into future products.5

Embedded/Industrial PCs


To realize the promise of the fourth industrial revolution, known as Industry 4.0, modern automation systems have moved away from purpose-built hardware to user-friendly networked PCs with high reliability, more data storage, and greater computing power. Supervisory control and data-acquisition (SCADA) systems and manufacturing execution systems (MES) are examples of such systems.





PCIE规范的精确时间测量(PTM)协议使TSN网络接口卡(NICS)或其他外围设备可以将网络时间同步到CPU TIMESTAMP,并最终与软件应用程序同步。PTM最大程度地减少了翻译误差,因此以非常精确的精度增加了多个组件的事件的协调。可以通过PTM启用的时间戳在主机处理器或加速器中重新组合来自不同来源的数据,例如相机,传感器等,即使在安全至关重要的应用中,也可以执行准确的分析并采取行动。

IPC提供更大的自定义,可靠性和可扩展性,以及更长的产品生命周期。广泛的系统包括在空间约束环境中的低功率和无风扇设计,安装在表面上的工业面板安装的PC,固定在墙壁或橱柜中的工业机架PC,壁橱中的工业工作站PC以及售货店的PC或Medical PC在售货亭或医疗机构中设备。

A popular form-factor is COM Express developed by the PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group (PICMG).7这ability to plug a COM Express module or standard SFF wireless modules like M.2 onto a carrier board reduces the time and cost to develop a product. The user doesn’t need to understand the typically complex details associated with high-speed signaling, RF design and tuning, etc. for the latest SoCs.



十多年来,汽车电子设备的复杂性和复杂性一直在增长。8具有车载信息娱乐(IVI)系统,高级驾驶员辅助系统(ADAS)以及车辆到车辆(V2V)和车辆到所有设施(V2X)连接的现代汽车连通性,可以考虑到车轮上的数据中心,并考虑到车辆连接(V2X)(Fig. 6)。为了满足消费者对舒适性的期望并满足对乘客和行人安全的监管要求,这些系统在大众市场模型中越来越普遍,而不仅限于豪华汽车。

With the increased amount of data to be transported, stored, and processed, proven data-center technologies such as PCIe architecture are becoming very common in automotive electronic systems to connect powerful multi-socketed CPU systems. Beyond PCIe-connected GPUs, Wi-Fi, V2X, and LTE/5G cellular modules, specialized vision and AI accelerator ASICs, Ethernet NICs, and FPGAs are common in automotive electronic control units (ECUs).

As expected, this segment has very stringent regulatory, safety, and reliability requirements while operating under extreme conditions, with an expectation of availability without replacement for the entire useful life of about 15 years of a car. PCIe technology, with its high reliability and availability features, is the interconnect of choice to interface to multiple data sources comprising cameras, LiDAR, radar, and ultrasound and infrared sensors. It provides wireless connectivity through Wi-Fi, BT, LTE, 5G, and satellite for the car. It’s also used for connection to storage devices and accelerators(Fig. 7)





1.DataAge 2025, November 2018

2.Gartner, December 2018

3.ABI Research, May 2018



6.Workload Consolidation in Industrial IoT

7。COM Express Overview

8。Data is the New Oil in the Future of Automated Driving

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