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Demand Skyrockets for Data-Center Infrastructure-Management Solutions

July 15, 2021
With the COVID-19 pandemic prompting both large- and small-scale industries to shift from office premises to working remotely, we’re likely to see major data-center infrastructure upgrades continue this year and beyond.


  • What is the current state of the data-center infrastructure market?
  • How has COVID-19 augmented data-center infrastructure demand?
  • Impact of healthcare on data-center infrastructure?


据估计,数据中心IP流量将在2021年达到19.5个Zettabytes。此外,cloud data-center traffic在全球2021年,还将占总数据中心交通的95%。

因此,许多科技巨头对全球现有数据中心的新建设进行了大量投资。2021年初,世界上largest data-center operators, led by Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook, announced spending a record $37 billion for establishment of new data centers.

所建立的数据中心数量的这种多产浪涌也需要适当的基础设施解决方案来处理它,包括硬件和软件,以确保无缝操作。已经提出了全球的data-center infrastructure market将每年估值为1000亿美元至2027亿美元。


In 2019,DXC技术announced the expansion of data-center infrastructure services in North America by inking a long-term agreement with Credit Suisse Inc., with DXC taking over a New Jersey data center from Credit Suisse. As per a report by商业线, the transaction was poised to expand the market presence of DXC to cater to its enterprise clients demanding mission-critical infrastructure solutions with proximity to the New York metropolitan market.



NVIDIA开创了一个新的处理器,将数据中心定位为单个芯片上的新单元。该公司在GTC 2020揭示了有关其新的数据处理单元(DPU)的详细信息,支持NVIDIA的数据中心基础架构的芯片软件,称为DOCA。

事实上,该公司的三年DPU协议包括NVIDIA BlueField-2fraternity of DPUs, including its DOCA software development kit. The kit has been developed to build applications on DPU-enhanced, accelerated data center infrastructure services.

After the successful launch of the BlueField-2 DPU, NVIDIA, unveiled its next-gen data processing unit—theBluefield-3 DPU- 为数据中心提供最强大的软件定义存储,网络和网络安全加速度能力。新DPU已针对云原生,多租户环境进行优化,提供数据中心规模的软件定义的安全性,管理和存储服务。

Data-Center Infrastructure-Management Solutions and Software

数据中心基础架构 - 管理(DCIM)软件主要用于组织,管理和监视数据中心的组件。这些工具是多种用途实现的,包括资产管理,硬件维护和性能监控。

DCIM也促进能源节能方面的考虑ed a holistic solution that tracks and manages both facility- and IT-based assets. In addition, the software automates the planning for new assets and removal of old assets. Due to these significant benefits, various data-center providers and organizations have pouring their efforts into creating DCIM solutions.



The entire healthcare industry is undergoing top-to-bottom renovation, thanks to digitalization, a changing demographic landscape, the advent of IT solutions, and timely legislation. In 2018, industry analysts predicted that the healthcare industry would spend over$ 2.7万亿美元每年对IT基础设施,包括数据中心,逐年2020年。

Organizations catering to the healthcare sector have been leveraging converged systems for a variety of use cases, from reducing space to improve data-center efficiency to creating enhanced density and virtualization solutions. Recently,Rackspace技术据多云技术解决方案提供商宣布,它与Apria Healthcare合作以使其遗产的遗产现代化,导致运营成本减少了32%。

The volume of data and data transmission continues to ramp up across the globe, leading to more investments in the data center and its infrastructure. And that means more demand for cooling and power solutions that are highly efficient, environmentally friendly, and cut down the overall ownership cost.


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Problem Solution Enclosure Materials Available for Rough Environments. Metal enclosures are often not the right product for highly tough environmental…


传感器融合结合了多个传感器和软件解决方案,使信息和通信技术,物联网和AUT ...

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Photo/imagery credits (in order of display). pinkeyes - stock.adobe.com, Monopoly919 - stock.adobe.com, proindustrial2 - stock.adobe.com. Join us in ou…
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