
优先考虑USB Type-C接口的电路保护

赞助人:Texas Instruments USB Type-C正在彻底改变电动充电领域,但是由于小型连接器的尺寸和高功率组合,在电路保护中的建造变得具有挑战性。

USB Type-C连接器规范以及相关的USB 3.1和USB功率交付(USB PD)规格有望更改从智能手机到笔记本电脑以及可能其他许多设备的应用程序架构。USB Type-C外形值是可逆的,因此它比其前身容易得多。但是,为了使闪闪发光的未来充分实现,新连接器必须像较早的USB type-A和type-B连接器一样强大和故障保护。

一个潜在的问题是USB c类型多smaller than USB Type-A. A USB Type-C connector has 24 pins with a 0.5-mm pitch, compared to the Type-A’s four pins with 2.5-mm pitch. The Type-C pitch increases the likelihood of a pin-to-pin short if the connector is inserted at an angle, or if debris becomes caught in the connector.

1. The USB Type-C reversible connector specification extends USB functionality to include non-USB communication schemes as well as power-distribution capability. (Source: Texas Instruments)

不合标准的产品数量被赶到市场来利用USB Type-C现象,使问题变得更糟。许多电缆不使用精确的机械和优质材料来确保可靠的销钉联系和长期性能。其他电缆有不正确的V公共汽车上拉电阻;因此,电源将选择错误的电压,否则设备将尝试绘制过多的电流。图1shows the USB Type-C pinout. Pin-to-pin shorts involving V公共汽车如果主机和设备支持USB PD规范,则特别有问题,因为V公共汽车PIN最多可输送20 V和5 A,用于100吨快速充电功率传递。配置通道(CC)和边带使用(SBU)引脚直接与V相邻公共汽车pins. But USB is a 5-V system, so a short to V公共汽车可能会损坏或破坏连接到SBU和CC引脚的界面组件。

In response, last March, Amazon banned the sale of USB Type-C cables that didn’t fully comply with the Type-C specification issued by the USB Implementers Forum (USB IF), USB’s controlling body. Amazon’s action may remove one source of substandard cables, but dangers remain: Adding proper circuit protection to a USB Type-C design reduces the risk of system damage and field failures.

USB Type-C Protection Circuit Requirements

The protection circuitry for a USB Type-C application must handle two fault conditions: Protect adjacent pins against a short to V公共汽车,这可能会在CC或SBU引脚上放置20 V或更多;并保护引脚免受静电释放(ESD)事件。



短期V有两种可能性公共汽车事件-Short to-v公共汽车通过电缆和短V公共汽车没有电缆。如果在插入设备下沉V的type-C连接器中发生了短暂的发生公共汽车power, the length of the cable separates the shorted CC or SBU line and the V公共汽车电压源。如果存在type-c电缆,但短暂出现在连接器中公共汽车is sourcing power, then the voltage source is applied directly to the CC and SBU pins, bypassing the cable.


在短时间内公共汽车水槽事件,电缆电感可以产生振铃,峰值电压的两倍,高度是稳态最终电压的两倍。对于短22V,最多44 V可能会出现在SBU或CC线上,在短时间内可能会出现公共汽车event, and the protection circuitry must handle this voltage level.

A short-to-V公共汽车源事件由于不同的原因而具有挑战性。没有电缆的电感非常低,因此短事件的上升时间可能小于10 ns。这不仅会导致OVP FET中寄生电容的问题,而且路径的总电阻很低,以至于在CC和SBU线上引入的电流量可能大大高于电缆。

ESD Event


The situation is more challenging for the CC and SBU lines because, in addition to ESD, the protection circuitry must also take into account the possibility of a V公共汽车short that could place a sustained voltage of 22 V on the line. The ESD diode must have a trigger voltage above this level.



USB Type-C保护的离散设计

If the designer decides to implement a protection solution with discrete components, what are some of the design considerations?

A FET placed in series with the CC or SBU line can perform overvoltage protection (OVP). The OVP FET must tolerate the 44-V ringing voltage that occurs with a V公共汽车short through a Type-C cable, but that’s not all. As we’ve seen, a direct short to V公共汽车有20-N的时间上升时间,因此在内联FET上的寄生电容(c)DG和cGS)将有效地在门和源之间创建一个短路,从而使下游USB PD控制器遭受损坏。这需要在OVP FET和控制器之前进行夹紧二极管。

为了完全保持N通道FET,必须将栅极电压保持在源电压上方1.5 V或2 V。CC和SBU引脚上带有5-V信号,VGS其内联OVP FET必须保持在7 V,需要添加电荷泵电路。P通道FET不需要充电泵,但仍需要控制电路以确保正确操作。

USB Type-C规范还指定CC引脚还必须能够输送1 W,以在活动电缆中的电路供电。为了从5V电源提供4.75 V时,CC线中的总允许电阻最大为1.25Ω,包括OVP FET和所有其他组件。最大程度地减少FET的抗性会增加其死亡的大小,从而增加成本。



An additional complication arises when the battery in a USB Type-C device is completely discharged, i.e., during a dead-battery condition. The USB PD specification states that if a device has a dead battery, it will present a pull-down resistor RDto ground on the CC lines when it’s plugged in. After the charging port detects the dead-battery condition, it applies higher voltage to the USB port to charge the battery. The USB PD controller normally includes the circuitry to perform this function, but without power, the inline OVP FET is automatically OFF.

由于现在将USB PD控制器的Dead Battery电阻与Type-C连接器断开,因此设计人员必须在OVP FET和连接器之间提供额外的电路以执行此功能。该电路还必须断开RDresistors when the dead-battery condition is no longer applicable.

Summing up, any protection solution must support the following conditions:

•处理V v for V a v的最多44 V公共汽车短穿过电缆。


•支持IEC 61000-4-2系统级ESD保护。

•支持支持活动电缆的类型-C端口至少支持5 V/W的功率。



离散解决方案需要许多组件来满足这一长期要求。图2shows an example of a discrete design for one of the four lines that must be protected. It contains three FETs, two diodes, a comparator, a charge pump, and assorted resistors and capacitors—a total of 17 components.

比较器将CC线上的电压与参考进行比较。在正常条件下,电荷泵处于活动状态,并且OVP FET处于打开状态。如果线条上出现过电压条件,则比较器会更改状态并禁用电荷泵,从而关闭OVP FET。

两个控制FET处理死气棒状况。如果电池死亡,则V_3V3信号很低。当充电端口提高CC_CON1线高时,RDFET打开并连接RD地面。一旦v_3v3信号升高,表示系统功率可用于正常USB PD协商,控制FET打开并关闭RDFET,断开r连接Dfrom the CC_CON1 line.

Integrated USB Type-C Protection Solution

A better option is to incorporate the protection components needed for multiple lines into a single device. An integrated solution simplifies the design and saves board space.

图3说明TPD8S300 USB Type-C端口保护器如何执行所需的保护功能。USB PD PHY和PD控制器可以是Ti等设备TPS65982.

3. An integrated USB Type-C protection solution such as the TPD8S300 is a preferred solution because the ESD and OVP elements can be designed to work more synergistically than a discrete design.(Source: Texas Instruments)

TPD8S300与SBU和CC线串联插入高压FET。当在这些线上检测到OVP阈值(通常为6 V)上方的电压时,高压FET打开并将系统的其余部分与高压条件隔离。

该设备还集成了用于低速USB Type-C引脚的IEC 61000-4-2 ESD保护的八个通道:CC1,CC2,SBU1,SBU2和两个D+/D-对。这消除了连接器上高压瞬态电压抑制(TVS)二极管的需求。

TPD8S300配置为供电时,可以在CC引脚上供应600 mA。该功率水平足以为Type-C电缆供电。当在USB PD规范中定义的一种备用模式之一中运行时,它还可以提供所需的较高级别。最重要的是,它集成了高压,死击rD下拉电阻,以高压OVP保护同时实施死气棒。

An评估模块(EVM) is available to assess the operation and performance of the TPD8S300. The EVM consists of the TPD8S300 mounted on a USB Type-C pass-through board, which enables users to test the operation of the device’s OVP and ESD protection features in their own systems.


USB Type-C规范与USB 3.1和USB PD结合使用,大大扩展了USB的范围,以包括一系列电动充电功能。但是,小型连接器尺寸和高功率的组合对保护电路的设计构成了重大挑战。




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