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怎样的男人y times have we wired the world? The first wired network was the telegraph, circa 1850. I’m not making this up. Telegraph lines actually came before the telephone and electrical power transmission. These didn’t show up until the late 1870s through the early 1900s. All three—telegraph, telephone and electrical power businesses—eventually created massive networks and grids that remain today. The telephone system grew into a massive enterprise including fiber and DSL wiring.


Somewhere along the way, factories, process plants, and other industrial facilities got wired with fieldbuses like HART, Modbus, PROFINET, Ethernet, and others. Office buildings, homes and even complete cities were wired with twisted-pair Ethernet. And let’s certainly not forget the Internet and all the related fiber connecting the world. Now, wired networks have taken hold in cars, SUVs, and trucks. New vehicles have LIN, CAN, MOST, even Ethernet. What have I left out?


Wireless is Winning


Then there’s the Internet of Things that’s mostly wireless with its billions of sensors. Wireless utility-meter reading. And no telling how 5G will affect things. Initially, 5G broadband wireless services will challenge the DSL operators and cable companies.

With all those wireless signals floating around, it’s amazing that the EMI hasn’t compromised at least some of those systems. It’s only going to get worse, so we should all be worried.

The Death of Wired Systems is Premature


The cellular system can’t exist without all of those attendant fiber interconnects. Server interconnects in data centers use exotic cabling like Infiniband. And isn’t it wired Ethernet that ties all those Wi-Fi access points together to a server in a closet that is connected to outside fiber. Home wireless still needs that cable or DSL wiring to get internet access. Don’t all wireless networks actually have a wired connection to some other system?

显然,我们采取了可靠的有线网络理所当然。他们被认为是旧技术,没有认可或欣赏。但是,尽管这种疏忽不留,即使是不尊重,有线网络也继续改善。由于最新升级到DOCSIS标准,有线电视HFC系统不会更加速度。它可以轻松处理1 GB / s的数据,甚至在某些情况下更快。

多年来,随着公司发明的技术,DSL还在速度上升了速度,让您在双绞线上放置1 GB / s数据。此多年来,电信公司发现了如何通过使用神秘的感应中和变压器(INT)来最小化60-Hz感应电压和电流干扰和DSLAM。int已经存在了一段时间,但它的有效性尚未充分利用。通过使用最新标准,如VDSL2,G.Fast等,可以通过双绞线实现快速数据。感谢INT。

As for other examples of a healthy wired infrastructure, consider these. Many of the small cells needed for 5G will be fiber. IoT nodes are aggregated in gateways wired to some other wired LAN or internet connection. DSL and cable internet connections to homes and businesses aren’t going away. New 5G broadband wireless may take some business, but not all.

如果您想要深入了解此问题,请获取新书的副本计算机网络突破你一直想要,而无需使用光纤电缆......即使在互联网上的时代。It’s written by an acquaintance of mine, Russ Gundrum, a veteran of the telecommunications and cable businesses. He’s also the guy to thank for promoting and deploying the INT.

My conclusion is that wired networks still serve a real purpose. We actually can’t get along without them. Yes, wireless is getting all of the attention right now, but we should pay some respect to the wired networks we use every day.

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