FPGA-based hardware is being used to enhance the capabilities of hyperspectral cameras, which are often used to direct actuators in automated food sorting. (Image courtesy of Resonon).


Sept. 4, 2015
A research project funded by the Montana Department of Commerce is planning to use FPGAs to increase the frame-rate and resolution of hyperspectral cameras.

Due to their parallel nature, field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have the potential to increase computational bandwidth in systems where a majority of the processing functions are performed by computer software. A research project funded by the蒙大拿州商务部计划利用基于FPGA的硬件来增加高光谱相机的帧速率和分辨率。

Hyperspectral imaging refers to the measurement of hundreds of individual colors within a pixel, instead of the typical three colors that conventional cameras are capable of identifying. The hyperspectral cameras used in the research project were developed byResonon Inc.是一个基于Bozeman,Mont的成像公司。这些相机通常用于在机器人装配线,遥感,环境监测和农业映射上分拣食品。

在当前的高光谱相机中,图像数据在电缆上行进到计算机处理器中,其中算法将其转换为完全高光谱图像。根据Resonon总裁兰登的说法,这种方法将实时数据处理限制为高光谱相机可以访问的一小部分。这可能是使用高光谱成像的机器视觉技术的问题。在机器人装配线中,例如,在杏仁中排序杏仁,在收集高光谱数据之间只有几秒钟,并且当算法需要将数据转换为有用的信息以指示执行器时,“斯旺森说in a recent statement to Photonics.

In an attempt to increase the latent capabilities of these systems, an academic team fromMontana State Universityis translating the computer software used to process the image data into multiple parallel streaming processes in FPGA hardware. The FPGA hardware, which is being programmed in the C language, will offload processing functions to the newly embedded processor within the camera, allowing the hyperspectral images to be accessed in real-time.

The potential benefits of an FPGA-based design for image processing are significant, according to research from the university. Resonon’s hyperspectral cameras currently have a spatial resolution of 640 pixels, 240 colors, and can take photographs at a frame-rate of 140 frames per second. An FPGA-based system would be capable of 2048-pixel resolution, 512 colors, and a frame rate of 340 frames per second.

These capabilities would enable the cameras to point out smaller details and classify finer gradients of color. In addition, the improved frame rate will enable sorting and inspection to be done much faster. The research team is using an optimizing compiler and other support provided byImpulse Accelerated Technologies将软件转换为FPGA格式。

This research, said Brian Durwood, chief operating officer at Impulse Accelerated, can be applied in other areas outside food sorting and mapping applications. He said that the technology could be used in mission-critical applications, such as search-and-rescue missions or disaster relief, noting that “the same algorithmic architecture that visually sorts shells from almonds can also be used to quickly scan the sea and ‘sort out’ a person overboard as differentiated from the surrounding sea.”


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