
6 Things to Know About Augmented Reality

Dec. 5, 2016
Augmented reality is already affordable and widely used—and it probably can help deepen brand loyalty.
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Augmented reality (AR) enhances and expands your view of the real world with computer-generated outputs, including sound, video, graphics, or GPS data. Many people first became aware of it when Google Glass arrived a few years ago, and augmented really hit the mainstream this last summer when Pokémon Go took off. AR has exciting implications for everything from education, defense, healthcare, and advertising, to construction, automotive, games, and much more.

Coupled with its cousin, virtual reality — which instead of offering you a hybrid universe, submerges you in an alternate, computer-created world — AR will be a ubiquitous force in the coming decade. It will be as pervasive and transformative as the internet was two decades ago or the smartphone has been over the last 10 years. It will affect everything from the way you play to the way you work, take notes, and learn.

希瑟·贝里尼(Heather Bellini)高盛研究预测,到2025年,增强现实将成为800亿美元的市场,这是当今台式PC市场的规模。更重要的是,她希望它能够转变和与几乎每个行业的消费者和企业互动。


1。AR has a long history:早在1957年,就有一台名为Sensorama的机器(see below)。它吹着您的风,并用立体声声音振动了您坐在的座椅上,并将您沉浸在3D胶片中。1966年,伊万·萨瑟兰(Ivan Sutherland)发明了头脑上的显示器augmented带有计算机数据的真实视角。这项技术是first named波音研究人员汤姆·卡德尔(Tom Caudell)的“增强现实”(Tom Caudell)用它来描述将虚拟图形融合到物理现实中的显示器,以帮助飞机电工完成工作。



and if you’ve watched the Olympics you’ve surely used augmented reality yourself:

它很快将在我们的生活中变得司空见惯。If you don’t already have a head up display built into your car— i.e., a projection onto your windshield of information from your car’s gauges, including speed, available fuel, so you can be informed without having to take your eyes off the road – you will soon:

No one needs to wait another generation for augmented reality. It’s here now.

3。AR increases learning and deepens impressions:brain absorbs things 33% more effectively斯坦福大学虚拟人类互动实验室研究员杰里米·贝伦森(Jeremy Bailenson)说,当暴露于AR和VR的身临其境的气氛时。此外,暴露于AR和VR的“体现认知”的人是20% more likely to change behaviorby experiencing the impact of their decisions. This implies not only that students and employees will be able to learn faster and comprehend things more quickly in the future, but that AR is a great tool to build brand affinity and deepen brand loyalty.

4.AR is not too expensive:It’s becoming cheaper to implement AR into product development. AR benefits from the exponential treadmill of Moore’s Law, whereby the number of transistors doubles about every two years.

例如,在2000年,一台1-tflops超级计算机是世界上最快的。它花费了4600万美元,消耗了850千瓦,需要1,600平方英尺的空间来容纳它。在2015年,Nvidiaannounced a 2.3-TFLOPS computing board that consumed just 15 W and cost only $59—a technology improvement of 1 million. Several technologies are on the same cost reduction curve, thus enabling rapid AR deployment in form factors and cost points not possible two decades prior.

随着软件的启动,例如Vuforia Studio Enterprise, it’s no longer necessary for companies to employ code experts to implement AR. Vuforia Studio combines the 3D assets of tools like Creo and IoT data from ThingWorx with its own 3D-modeling tools, animations, and sequences that simplify the creation, operation, and servicing of connected products.

Newofferings来自全部沉浸式,ARPA解决方案,AR Takeit,Orbotix和13th Lab Nab Ollose的公司,将使AR Solutions的企业部署更加轻松,更便宜。这是第13个实验室的视频,介绍了其创新之一:

一些free and low-costAR应用程序仅几百美元可用,并且可以为as little as $5,000。但是,大规模的自定义部署可能会陷入数万美元或更多的钱。

5. People are still suspicious—is the market ready?:AR不是价值中性的。供应商发现,您不能在不侵入某些现有价值和协议的情况下对人们过分地改变世界。Google在Google Glass的推出中付出了巨大的努力,但它从未在消费者中广泛普及。这很大程度上是因为人们对另一个人使用Google Glass监视或记录对话的可能性感到烦恼。

这lesson for marketers is to be very careful. Any sort of technology that adds or changes perspective on the world potentially has social and even political implications, and can cause backlash. Much of thelegal conversationabout how to allow and monitor augmented reality is still in its infancy. In general, most AR products are assistants or bot-like functions that are appreciated by users because they provide the personal service and benefit.

6. AR will use multimodal inputs:AR promises to aid us in many ways, but how will it change the ways humans interact with computers? For the most part, it will expand and optimize the ways we can choose to interact with computers. Increasingly, we’ll be able to choose from a growing variety of input options depending on what’s most convenient for the task we’re working on in the location we’re working in.

Many AR solutions are built to respond to virtual buttons or voice commands. Today, voice is a common means of manipulating AR technologies, but in the future, we’ll see far more options. AR offers the potential for all sorts of input possibilities—from a keyboard or stylus to a finger stroke, gesture, or even eye movement. My own company,myscript, is a leader in手写技术, and envisions multimodal inputs where virtual writing—either cursive or character—can be superimposed on and integrated with keyboard input, multi-line input, and voice input.

此外,你不仅可以创建和国米pret text when interacting with machines, you’ll also be able to include charts, diagrams, and math equations in an AR environment. MyScript’sInteractive Inkmanagement technology has been built with this future in mind, in order to more fully immerse users in AR environments and address ever-more challenging applications.


广泛使用的基于“增大化现实”技术刚刚开始再保险ach consumers less than 10 years ago, augmented reality is just beginning to hit its stride. The current, growing enthusiasm for AR will really begin to take off and soon envelop your entire world, as databases of rich information expand and the speed and ease of connections to them accelerates further.

Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, recently toldGood Morning Americathat he thinks AR will be bigger than VR: “My own view is that augmented reality is the larger of the two, probably by far, because this gives the capability for both of us to sit and be very present talking to each other, but also have other things visually for both of us to see." In other words, AR won’t so much take us away to another world, but help us live more fully and productively in this one.

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