超轻率还没有使Holodeck坚固性用于增强或虚拟现实应用程序,但这是朝这个方向迈出的一步。该公司的技术采用了一个分阶段的超声扬声器来提供互相增强的声波,因此可以在远离阵列的固定位置引起振动(图。1)。This is similar to how a phased-array radar system works.
手上的力量是微小的,但是它提供了足够的触觉反馈 - 就像在按下屏幕上的按钮时智能手机的振动一样。不同之处在于,智能手机正在与手指接触,而超轻触技术则远距离运行。当前的化身可以从一只手最多运行2 m。
I tried various demos recently and was suitably impressed by the feedback. For example, I could hold my hand a foot or more above an array to feel bubbles or water flowing by, and feel feedback when pressing a virtual button. The force is not sufficient to cause any significant movement or provide a solid surface (like a holodeck might), but it was more than sufficient to simulate surfaces and distinct objects.
This basic augmented reality only required the use of Ultrahaptics hardware. The hardware can also be combined with augmented or virtual reality systems. One demo had me picking up and moving small balls and blocks.
One example where the more basic approach can be effective is with automotive controls(图3)或Whitegood设备。该系统可以轻松模拟滑块,按钮和旋钮。它甚至可以提供定位信息,以便用户可以通过触摸知道他们是否靠近控制区域或控制区域,而无需查看该区域或具有其他视觉反馈机制。