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Disappearing Displays Quiet Display; Photo Promo Courtesy Visionect Joan Pro 6 Promo



This article is part ofTechXchange:高级显示技术

What you’ll learn:

  • 消失的显示器和四个水桶将它们放入。
  • Examples of disappearing displays.

对于我们在科技行业中的人来说,来自标志性的发明Star Warssaga and星际迷航series have led to decades of inspiration—some of which we are still trying to build today. Even over the last few years, I’ve been thrilled to see many of my colleagues pushing the envelope on next-generation digital display technologies.

我看到创新的机会的一部分是我所说的“消失”显示器 - 可以说,在不被观看时不会妨碍他们。有点像P.G.中的角色jeeves沃德豪斯(Wodehouse)的流行小说可以随意出现和消失。

Let me give you a little bit more context. Have you noticed people turning toward their Alexa/Google Assistant devices to ask a question? Or noticed people in a conference room on an audio call, staring at the phone while speaking? How about in the car where people turn to the GPS display while speaking on their hands-free phone? Why is this?

Humans are visual creatures. But we also want to see displays when we need them. The rest of the time we would prefer for them to be out of the way, merged with the background, virtually disappearing until we need them again.

crt平板液晶电视所取代时,we reclaimed substantial floor space in our living rooms, conference rooms, and hotel rooms. TVs moved from the floor to the wall, but while they’re thinner, the monstrous mounting brackets and swiveling arms cause these ugly beasts to jut out. If you’ve bumped into the TV while navigating around the conference room table or into the massive TV larger than your bed in your hotel room, you know what I’m talking about.

We love those screens, but they’re in the way and are inconvenient after we’re done with our video call or movie. They gotta go; they ought to get out of the way.

所以metimes all you want is the screen to stop flickering, dim down, and disappear into the background when you no longer need it. They don't need to physically disappear in all instances.

Disappearing displays already exist—we don't think of them that way, though, until today. I came up with four buckets to put them in:

  • Physically disappearing displays:其中包括橱柜内的老式电视LG电视that retracts into its base, or even projector screens that can retract to the ceiling. These displays physically disappear or remain hidden when they aren't being used.
  • Shrinking displays: These displays can be folded or rolled or otherwise shrunk from their original size to something smaller in the X-Y dimension so that they’re less obtrusive after use. One example is afoldable phone或可折叠laptop/tablet(obviously, these aren’t like your old-school flip phones).
  • 安静的展示: Here, the display doesn’t physically retract or shrink; it just goes into a quiet mode. When not in use, they’re about as distracting as a piece of printed paper. A good example isJoan, which includes an ePaper display that doesn’t flicker or distract like its LCD counterparts when not in use, and it uses 99% less energy.
  • Metaphoric displays:用户在这些显示器中失去了自己,例如使用Amazon Kindle,当您全神贯注时,您将不再“看到”显示屏。正如当时亚马逊首席执行官杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)所描述的那样,Kindle设备的顶级设计目标是“消失在您的手中 - 避开障碍 - 因此您可以享受阅读。”另一个很酷的例子是三星墙电视, which just blends into the background.

所以me other cool examples of disappearing display technologies include:

  • Boogie Board,使用胆固醇液晶技术的开创性重复使用的写作平板电脑。布吉板不像平板电脑那样进入屏幕保护模式。停下来写作时,它不会闪烁或分散注意力。epaper单用写作平板电脑的示例也适合此描述。
  • 微软的表面桌面becomes the table and could be used to place food dishes when you’re done ordering or paying in the restaurant.
  • 世界的thinnest watchis an example of a shrinking display.
  • Kuori Oy’sYeti Tabletcauses both the display and technology to disappear for senior citizens and kids with learning disabilities.
  • 电子的货架标签看起来像打印标签。他们不小心of place like a monitor or TV in the grocery store—they “disappear” into the shelf.
  • Noctiluca是启用OLED展示lampshade that causes the “bulb” to disappear or the entire lamp stand to disappear.
  • Digitalsignage看起来与纸张海报没有区别。


Now, without sounding too out-of-this-world, I’d like to take a dive into where I see disappearing display technology going in the not-too-distant future:

Transparent displays

Transparent displays replace building and shop windows or a car’s sunroof. These displays will havesparse transistors, on a very thin sheet of plastic-like film, powering Mini or微胶质. SmartKem is already making such a film using organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs).

For example, your “TV” becomes transparent. When you’re finished watching a movie, the screen becomes your window; the display disappears. In other words, you can see through the display. Also, think of your car’s roof as a screen. Imagine if I parked my car and pushed a button and my seat reclined and the roof became a screen. We could literally build such a prototype today. Just look at whatNBC的工作室在北京2022年游戏中使用了微小的展示,他们将滑雪坡带入了他们的工作室。


Imagine wearing a pair of glasses that could collect and display data, and, for example, alerts you that a colleague is walking into the room and informs you that you owe her money from a Super Bowl bet.显示屏消失在眼镜中,不会像虚拟现实(VR)眼镜那样损害您的视力。eMaginis already building 10,000 cd/m2明亮的OLED微型弹簧消失在AR眼镜中。


你看过吗?BMW’s用epaper包裹的彩色汽车?想象一下墨水展示technology on military aircraft that disappear into the sky. The possibilities are endless.

NFTs and artwork disappearing displays

好的,您花了很多钱来购买NFT。您将如何炫耀?如果你有一个展示那个“消失了”作为艺术?看看什么Canvia在做,您会得到“图片”。Omniplyis makingstickerelectronicsthat might allow you to peel off the display and stick it elsewhere.


将来,我看到更多的建筑物在立面上有各种显示器,而不是传统的砖块,它们可能类似于该户外LED显示屏黄金屋.X Display Corp.可以在建筑物内启用它。


Let’s go back toStar Wars一分钟,全息图是一个标志。这包括著名的场景,R2D2在其中投影Leia公主,他恳求:“帮助我Obi-Wan Kenobi,您是我唯一的希望。”现在,设想全息图显示了可能在医疗保健,娱乐和汽车等多个行业中具有有用应用的3D图像。Looking Glass Factoryis already headed in that direction with 3D holographic displays.

这些想法中的一些听起来有些牵强吗?如果是这样,那就是重点。狂野的想法通常会导致突破性的创新。正如乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)所说:“梦想非常重要。除非您想象它,否则您将无法做到。”或者,如果您更多星际迷航fan, creator Gene Roddenberry said it best, “It isn't all over; everything has not been invented; the human adventure is just beginning.”

I expect customers to demand “disappearing displays” as a feature in most applications where the display isn’t ON all the time. I love electronic displays of every kind, but they must disappear when we’re done viewing them. See if you can discover new disappearing displays atSID的Display Week 20225月在硅谷。

Keep dreaming and stay inspired friends.

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