Hyundai Nvidia Drive Platform

NVIDIA即使在交易分崩离析后,NVIDIA也与ARM CPU计划一起移动

The company is already developing an Arm-based data-center CPU called Grace to take on Intel and AMD in high-performance computing.

nvidia.abandoned its plansto buyArm在4000亿美元的交易中,在严格的监管机构关于反竞争问题的斯特恩推动中崩溃。但交易崩溃,高管表示,不会改变NVIDIA的战略或技术路线图。

Jensen Huang首席执行官表示,该公司将推动推出计划为自主汽车,数据中心,超级计算机和工业机器人提供一系列新的ARM型处理器。


nvidia.already has a close relationship with Arm and it takes advantage of Arm CPU cores in a wide range of products, including its family of data processing units (DPUs), which can offload networking, storage, and other behind-the-scenes workloads in the data center from the CPU. NVIDIA also taps Arm CPU cores in its Orin SoC targeting self-driving systems in cars and single-board computers (SBCs) for autonomous robots.

In addition, the company is leveraging Arm to develop一个名为Grace的数据中心CPU在高性能计算(HPC)市场中占据英特尔和AMD的筹码。黄说,NVIDIA正在推出2023年上半年推出恩典CPU。

A Deal Disarmed

In September 2020,NVIDIA同意购买约400亿美元的手臂from Japan's SoftBank Group, in what would have been the largest semiconductor deal ever.

The deal would have given NVIDIA control over the instruction set architecture (ISA) at the heart of most of the world’s smartphones. Arm is also playing an increasingly prominent role in a range of other markets, including in cars and on factory floors. On top of that, the deal could have opened the door for NVIDIA to collaborate more closely with Arm, giving it another way to challenge AMD and Intel in the lucrative data center market.

"We believed that would accelerate Arm’s focus on high-performance CPUs and help expand into new markets, benefiting all our customers in the entire ecosystem,” said Huang.


In December, the Federal Trade Commission sued to block the deal, and other regulators around the world opened probes into whether the deal would hurt competition. "We gave it our best shot. But the headwinds were too strong, and we couldn't give regulators the comfort they needed to approve our deal," said Huang.


即使交易分崩离析,Nvidia也表示将使其20年的建筑许可证与ARM保持一致。这将使该公司能够以ARM技术为基础建设芯片,并具有“技术和市场的完整广度和选择的灵活性”。许可证为加利福尼亚州的Santa Clara提供了基于California的公司自由,以便在其需要的任何目的中从头开始创建自己的自定义ARM兼容的CPU核心。

这与Apple用于开发其用于智能手机和平板电脑以及其MAC笔记本电脑中的M1芯片的A-Series SoC的许可证。高通公司还利用其架构许可来为PC构建筹码。

Companies without an architectural license have to choose CPU cores from Arm's catalog of chip designs.

Huang explained that the Grace CPU is the first in a whole range of Arm-based processors NVIDIA plans to build. He remains convinced that Arm—increasingly an alternative to Intel’s x86 architecture in data centers—will play an even bigger role in the technology industry going forward.

"We intend to bring the full spectrum of NVIDIA's accelerated computing platform to Arm CPUs," said Huang.

At the same time, Huang said NVIDIA is not trying to play favorites and will continue to support industry-standard x86 platforms. For instance, the company already taps AMD's EPYC processors in its DGX A100 systems.

"Our strategy is accelerated computing. That's ultimately what we do for a living," he said.

"Whether x86 or Arm, we will use the best CPU for the job," added Huang. Together with partners in the computer industry, we will offer the world's best computing platform to tackle the impactful challenges of our time. You’re going to see a lot of exciting CPUs coming from us, and Grace is just the first example."



NVIDIA金融总裁Colette Kress表示,Nvidia在一年前报告了第四季度的销售额为7.64亿美元,从一年前增加了53%,从一年一年度推动了数据中心,游戏机和个人电脑的Gopics处理单位(GPU)。她补充说,净收入增加了30亿美元,或每股1.18美元。

The company is also getting a boost from cloud-computing giants and other corporations as they add its graphics processors in their sprawling data centers to carry out machine-learning workloads, such as recommending content or classifying photos.

Sales in NVIDIA's data-center business soared more than 70% in the fourth quarter to $3.26 billion, a record high, bringing the business to more than $10 billion in annual sales for the first time. The company said revenue in its core gaming GPU business jumped 37% year-over-year to $3.42 billion.




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