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When Selecting Memory for AI, You Must Choose…Wisely

Sept. 3, 2021

本文是我们的一部分图书馆系列:System Design:AI的记忆

What you’ll learn:

  • 片上记忆的好处。
  • 处理片上内存的容量问题。
  • HBM vs. GDDR: Determining the best option.


A variety of common memory systems are being used in high-performance AI applications, each with its own unique set of benefits and challenges. More than anything, choosing the “right” solution depends on the application and your use case.

On-Chip Memory: All Business


The low latency and high bandwidth nature of on-chip memory allow for extremely high utilization of compute engines, making them well-suited to high-performance, low-power applications, especially when processing in handheld and battery-operated devices.


A number of interesting innovations have emerged that make better use of the limited capacity of on-chip memory, including reduced precision data types and recalculating intermediate results to avoid occupying on-chip storage. However, the tremendous growth in training sets and model sizes continues to outpace these innovations, resulting in on-chip memory being better equipped for AI inference tasks than for AI training tasks.

Because of these tradeoffs, on-chip memory is a great solution when running inference tasks on smaller neural networks that fit within the capacity of the memory, or when inferencing in environments where multiple chips can work together to provide a solution. If this isn’t the case, it’s best to pursue other external memory options, such as high bandwidth memory (HBM) and graphics double data rate (GDDR).

HBM: Complex Power



However, for organizations with the engineering skill to implement HBM memory systems, and with the ability to amortize the added costs, HBM2 can be a great choice for systems that need an external memory solution.

GDDR6: The All-Rounder

GDDR于20年前是为图形行业创建的,在片上记忆和HBM DRAM提供的带宽,功率效率,成本和可靠性之间提供了良好的中间立场。GDDR利用了在DDR等传统DRAM中使用的更熟悉的大容量制造和组装技术,使其成为平衡性能和复杂性的良好解决方案。

与HBM DRAM相反,HBM DRAM实施了以适度的数据速率运行的大量数据线,GDDR6 DRAM采用相反的方法,并以32个数据线以16 GB/s的速度运行,这是HBM2 DRAM的速度的八倍。较少的数据线消除了对插入器等其他组件的需求。但是,以更高的数据速率运行会带来信号完整性和发电效率的挑战。

Those issues can be managed with carefully designed PHYs, packages, and boards. Furthermore, GDDR DRAM devices don’t utilize stacking, further simplifying the manufacturing process and reducing cost. As a result, GDDR offers a cost-effective solution for achieving good performance, power-efficiency, and cost.


当设计一个处理器利用GDDR或HBM,one must consider some important tradeoffs. In addition to the aforementioned differences between the DRAMs themselves, there are other disparities in how processors connect to these DRAMs.

最重要的区别是与SOC上的PHY电路有关的区别,将其连接到DRAM。对于提供256 GB/s内存带宽的等效GDDR6和HBM2内存系统,与HBM2 PHY电路相比,GDDR6 PHYS的gddr6 Phys需要在SOC面积的1.5至1.75倍之间。

In terms of power, the differences are even more pronounced: GDDR6 PHYs consume anywhere between three-and-a-half to four-and-a-half times as much power as the HBM2 PHY at the same bandwidth. From the point of view of an SoC designer, this large disparity in power and area favor HBM2 memory systems. However, the added cost and implementation complexity of HBM2 memory systems can make the choice of GDDR6 a more attractive one.

Whether or not you choose HBM2 or GDDR6 ultimately depends on what matters most in the system at hand. If you’re prepared to handle the cost and engineering complexity of an HBM2 implementation, it’s the best route to take. But for systems that prioritize cost and more mainstream manufacturing methods, GDDR6 is an excellent solution. There’s no wrong answer when it comes to picking a high-bandwidth-memory solution for your application.


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