Alexander Yakimov |

From Code Quality to Total Security

If software defects are the doors used by hackers, then code quality must be improved to address the issue. But first, how big is the problem, and how can it be fixed?

This article series is in the改善软件代码质量topic within ourSeries Library

What you'll learn:

  • Security issues go beyond buffer overflows.
  • How standards help with commonly exploited weaknesses.
  • 通过代码分析工具改善代码质量和安全性。

Poor code quality is actually a widespread problem and quite a bit ofevidence支持声称,糟糕的编码页ractices lead directly to vulnerabilities. While this isn’t new, perhaps the first time that people truly became aware of it was in 2001 when the Code Red worm exploited a buffer overflow attack on Microsoft’s Internet Information Services (IIS).1Although the first documented buffer overflow attack was in 1988 on the Unix finger command, it was limited greatly in its ability to affect the general population. Thus, it didn’t make headlines.



Such an attack gained urgency because it wasn’t common coding practice to check and enforce the limits of buffers. Now, many coding standards like the Common Weakness Enumeration frommitre.orgrecommend checking buffers for this type of vulnerability.3


Not Just Buffer Overflows

Don’t misunderstand, the problem isn’t simply buffer overflows. It’s actually a systemic problem: Sloppy coding practices, in general, lead to a countless number of security holes that hackers can utilize to compromise a system. A paper published by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) puts it in very clear words:



正常的软件质量保证过程you to estimate the number of defects remaining in the system. Can the same be done with security vulnerabilities? While the SEI stops short of confirming a mathematical relationship between code quality and security, they do state that 1% to 5% of software defects are security vulnerabilities. According to SEI, their evidence indicates that when security vulnerabilities are tracked, they could accurately estimate the level of code quality in the system.4

This conclusively shows that code quality is a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for security. It really disproves the notion that security can be treated as a bolt-on at the end of development. Rather, security must be threaded through the DNA of a project, from design, to code, and all the way to production.

Coding Standards Help

许多最常见的安全漏洞都在编码标准中解决了,例如常见的弱点(CWE)。They point out additional areas of concern like divide-by-zero, data injection, loop irregularities, null pointer exploits, and string parsing errors. MISRA C and MISRA C++ also promote safe and reliable coding practices to prevent security vulnerabilities from creeping into code.

尽管这些可以捕获许多常见的弱点,但开发人员在编写代码时必须思考更大(图。1): How can a hacker exploit what I just wrote? Where are the holes? Am I making assumptions about what the inputs will look like and how the outputs will be used?

A good rule-of-thumb to follow is that if you’re making assumptions, then those assumptions should be turned into code that ensures what you’re expecting is actually what you’re getting. If you don’t do it, then a hacker will do it for you.

But what about open-source software? The typical argument for using open-source components in a design relies on the “proven in use” argument: So many people use it, it must be good. In the same paper, the SEI has addresses this:



The SEI says that code-quality standards like the CWE find issues in code that typically never get detected in standard testing and usually only are found when hackers exploit the vulnerability.4To prove that point, in May 2020, researchers from Purdue University demonstrated 26 vulnerabilities in open-source USB stacks that are used in Linux, macOS, Windows, and FreeBSD.5When it comes to security, code quality is key andallcode matters.



High-quality code-analysis tools include checks for CWE, MISRA, and CERT C. CERT C is another coding standard designed to promote secure coding practices. These three rulesets together form a great combination of coding practices that promote security. Some rulesets overlap with others, but also provide some unique features to help ensure the code has a high degree of security. Furthermore, using these standards helps to ensure the best possible code quality. And they might even find some latent defects in the code.

High-Quality Code is Secure Code

You can’t have security unless you have code quality, and you can’t pass the code quality buck onto someone else because their bugs are likely to become your security nightmare. There’s hope because code-analysis tools can help you quickly identify issues before they bite you.


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