Google Tensor Processing Unit



Google is hiring a former top executive from Intel's design engineering division to head up a new server chip division, adding to the technology industry's efforts to reduce its dependence on Intel.

The technology titan said that it is "doubling down" on internally-designed server chips in a bid to improve the energy efficiency and performance of the data centers that run its cloud services. To give a booster shot to its efforts, Google announced last week it hired Intel engineering executive Uri Frank to lead a newly established division that will design and develop custom server chips.

With the Frank's hiring as its vice president of engineering for server chip design, Google is tearing a page from the playbooks of its larger rivals in the cloud computing market. Amazon has been developing Arm-based server chips and rolling them out over its AWS cloud service for the last three years. Microsoft is reportedly also working on Arm-based CPUs for data centers.


阿明Vahdat作为谷歌的副总裁系统infrastructure, said that the company is assembling "world-class" engineering team in Israel. He said in a blog post that the unit would focus on working with customers and partners to make systems-on-a-chip (SoCs) for servers, expanding on the wide range of other server chips developed by Google over the last half decade.

2015年,谷歌推出了其第一个张量加工单位(TPU),以加快其数据中心的人工智能琐事,并于2018年表示,它将允许其他公司通过其云计算服务购买芯片的访问。然后,2019年,该公司推出了其Opentitan SoC,其开源和超安全芯片,旨在作为系统的信任根。

Google also designs its own hardware for data centers ranging from network switches to network accelerator cards that consist of its in-house chips and parts it sources from Intel and other firms.

The company wants to away from buying all of these components from different vendors and wiring them together on a motherboard. Instead, it is trying to employ more systems-on-a-chip (SoCs), which integrate the CPU and other computing modules on the same die, or system-in-package (SiP) designs, which combine different chips in a single package, in the data center.

“The motherboard has been our integration point, where we compose CPUs, networking, storage devices, accelerators, memory, all from different vendors, into an optimized system,” said Vahdat. “But that’s no longer sufficient: to gain higher performance and to use less power, our workloads demand even deeper integration into the underlying hardware."




但他们也越来越多地转向定制芯片设计,这些设计更适合他们的需求,很有希望能够在现成的服务器处理器上以每美元的性能提升。据报道,虽然Microsoft正在进行基于ARM的服务器芯片来部署其Azure Cloud Service,Amazon去年推出新的云服务 - 或“实例” - 基于自定义ARM的Graviton CPU。


Vahdat said Google's server chip strategy is focused on flexibility. "We buy where it makes sense, build it ourselves where we have to, and aim to build ecosystems that benefit the entire industry."

开发服务器类处理器需要很长时间,并且在新工程单位开始在Google的数据中心部署自定义服务器芯片之前,它可能是三年或更长时间。目前,谷歌正在推动最佳脚。URI Frank在英特尔的CPU,SOC和IP产品开发方面带来了24年的经验,他共同领导了客户工程集团。

"Together with our global ecosystem of partners, we look forward to continuing to innovate at the leading edge of compute infrastructure, delivering the next generation of capabilities that are not available elsewhere," Vahdat said.


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