通常,这种类型的开发还需要另一个接口来编辑模拟向量。我们提出了一种方法,该方法允许用户继续使用GUI,同时提供一种编辑电路原理图的方法,而无需使用线路来定义组件之间的连接性。我们的模拟器平台是一个Visual Basic 6应用程序,可以通过作者的电子邮件获得(rtovar_2000@yahoo.com)。
General Concepts
该应用程序允许定义电路并提供模拟支持。在内部,反向波兰符号 - 托瓦尔算法状态机(RPN-TASM)算法有助于堆栈中的电路编辑。
这system presents a traditional schematic. It also facilitates the creation of simulation vectors and presents behavior graphs of each variable correlated with the behavior of the hardware elements generated by the simulation.
这vertical stack uses RPN and a postfix type mathematical notation to define the circuit. It handles Boolean logic without the graphical connectivity of a typical schematic. The latter is generated by the application based on the stack specification. We did include a bus notation (f).
该应用程序通过在堆栈上的文本框开始,将用户漫步在系统中。从菜单中选择对象并插入堆栈中。如图所示figure元素包括变量(h)和布尔功能ions that present windows with details about the operation (g). The function menu (i) presents the typical schematic images for the Boolean functions. The system steps through definitions of inputs (j) and the final version (k).
这resulting computation is presented when all of the variables are assigned and the user clicks on the Simulate menu button (m). The white background highlights variables while the calculated results have a reddish background. Light blue and orange triangles on a vector (m) indicate input and output relationships with respect to a selected element in the vector highlighting the dependencies. The simulator will also highlight vectors with missing values.
This simple interface may lend itself to migrating the application to a mobile-phone platform like Android, to make such simulation more readily available to users learning about digital logic.