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嵌入式Trends and Tech to Watch in 2021

Jan. 25, 2021
Shawn Prestridge,Lead Fae工程师和美国Fae Systems的Fae Team Manager提供了关于嵌入式发展的见解和预测 - 技术,市场和工具 - 在2021年。

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  • 汽车和医疗市场将是嵌入式软件行业的主要驱动因素。
  • 5G,物联网和边缘计算的升高将进一步推动集成和部署。
  • 发展工具和流程的演变。

2021 will be a breakout year for RISC-V.


While part of the RISC-V trace specification was ratified this past February, there will still be a few tweaks made in 2021. Ultimately, you’ll see a good deal of high-quality debug information like live instruction trace, interrupt visibility, power usage, and other metrics that can be fed through the debug port.


The automotive and medical markets will continue to grow and drive unprecedented innovation among embedded software developers.

I think we will continue to see automotive grow like gangbusters as autonomous driving pushes the envelope further and further. Leases on cars are way up, mostly because people want the latest and greatest tech and therefore don’t want to buy a car to keep right now. That’s fueling quite a bit of growth in the industry, not to mention the electrification of vehicles.



How will this impact embedded developers? They will be making smaller, more portable devices to diagnose infections instead of having to send things off to a large-scale lab. In my mind, the moon-shot would be to have devices that could take a virus profile, which would then get uploaded into a database. Such a database would be used in a handheld device that can give you positive or negative results against that profile in seconds. It would take a lot of creativity, but I think embedded developers are already at the forefront of making that a reality. However, it’s going to be more so in 2021.



The biggest impact of this growth, which will continue in 2021, is the trend of continuous integration/continuous deployment. Teams are pushing out software updates faster than ever. This requires a rigorous set of tools to inspect code quality for potential pitfalls and automated testing to verify that the software conforms to the software specifications.

The tricky part is capturing all of the requirements in these types of tests to make sure that what gets pushed out doesn’t break things or make a system unreliable. That’s why continuous integration inspects source code to make sure it conforms to safe and reliable coding practices. Then it subjects the code to a rigorous battery of tests designed by the QA engineers to make sure that it’s doing the right things. The push to deliver things faster is really tricky in embedded software; if you get something wrong, it can render the system inoperable.



毫无疑问,大多数公司面临的最大挑战是时间:上市时间,收回投资的时间,基于我之前所说的,有助于提高代码质量的开发工具将是节省时间的关键 - 甚至是关键比往年更多的是在前几年。





正如我们所提到的,发展实践不断改进,因为更多它们正在变得自动化。在Ye Olden的日子里,唯一对任何明显程度进行自动测试的人是功能安全领域中应用的开发人员。现在我们看到即使为消费者设备推出自动化测试。显而易见的是,对更形式化和自动化测试的代码进行更多的代码来缩小代码。

It used to be that code inspections were rare. As long as your code didn’t have bugs, you could be as sloppy as you wanted, putting spaghetti code here, there, and everywhere. With automated continuous integration, you can’t get away with that anymore. You’re forced to write your code using best practices, and if you don’t, everyone can see it in the output of the continuous integration system.


Studies like the ACM paper, which we cited in a由IAR Systems的白皮书,已经表明,在开发人员面前越早将这种反馈越多,他们越严重地对待它。如果您将其作为夜间构建过程的一部分留下,该过程在第二天接受反馈的情况下,由于“幸存者效应”,此类问题会不那么认真对待。但随着检查变得更加严格,人们将要更快地检查自己的代码。


我无法开始告诉您我看到多少次代码,其中包括少数注释。通常开发人员宣称他们的代码是“自我记录”。我已经听说过这个术语很有点,但我认为这就像嵌入式开发社区的独角兽一样 - 我一直听到它,但我从未真正看过它。

Developers need to do a thorough job documenting their code not only for anyone who will review or maintain their code, but also for themselves. Six weeks from now, when someone finds a bug in that section of code, you’re going to spend lots of time trying to remember what you were thinking when you wrote that section. If you had just taken a few extra minutes to clarify your thought process in the comments, you wouldn’t be in that pickle.

I’ve also heard developers claim that by making their code abstruse with a paucity of comments to document it, they’re increasing their own job security. I think that’s just silly; you’re making it harder for yourself and everyone else. Job security comes in being able to do your job so well that a company has no reason to want to replace you. And when you mentor other people in how your code works, you increase your value to your colleagues.


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.. .. .. >> 2021电子设计预测

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