- 后量子密码术的基础知识。
- Why we need post-quantum cryptography (PQC).
- What’s being done to develop it before quantum computers arrive.
术语计算术语沿线带来了未来派超级计算机的图像星际迷航。Quantum computing is still in its infancy, but it’s growing rapidly and the implications of its capabilities is significant especially in the realm of security.
To get more insight to this space, I talked with Helena Handschuh, a Fellow atRambus安全。
Today’s computers run on bits of data: either a 1 or a 0. Quantum computers use qubits, which can be in a quantum superposition of both states—meaning they can simultaneously be both a 1 and a 0. Quantum computers have many entangled qubits, and these lead to massive, exponential leaps in processing power, depending on how many qubits are in the computer. What this boils down to is that the encryption that once took computers over a human lifetime to break will be broken in mere days by quantum computers, due to the vast increase in processing speed.
So, will quantum computing defeat all current cryptography?
We expect quantum computing to reach its fully developed state within the next decade, by 2030. Since there are none in the field today, it’s difficult to predict what a quantum computer’s capabilities will be, so it’s important to develop a variety of post-quantum cryptography standards so that if one fails, the industry has additional standards to use.
What are some of the challenges being faced in developing post-quantum security algorithms?
IOT中将看到另一个主要挑战,其中端点设备已经具有有限的计算和处理能力。AS Edge Computing和IoT继续变得更加泛滥,这将重要的是这些设备受到保护免受量子攻击。Rambus认为,处理加密算法的ONU将落在硬件上,因为软件可能没有容量,并且不太安全。
What work is being done to ensure that our devices and data remain secured?
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is sponsoring a竞赛要查找,评估和标准化将支持量子计算机构成的挑战的公钥加密算法(或算法)。第二轮26名参赛者缩小了最近宣布第三轮决赛选手还有交替,最终的投资组合预计将在2022年的某些时候公布。
我们非常自豪地,兰姆斯在第二轮中有一个名为“三只熊”的条目,这是由我们的最佳安全工程师之一Mike Hamburg开发的“三只熊”。可悲的是,“三只熊”并没有继续到第三轮,但我们很高兴成为这一联盟的技术创新的一部分。
如果我们仍然离Quantum Computers是一个现实,为什么现在有这样的紧迫感是为了实现这一目标?
The impact on network architecture and infrastructure will be significant, due to the larger keys and cypher text, so these may also require upgrades or replacements.
Quantum Computing是如此新的,我们如何预测安全算法应该是什么,以防止量子计算机的攻击?
The NIST competition includes rigorous testing processes to weed out those algorithms that will not be able to withstand a quantum-computer attack. This is why the contest spans such a long period of time, as each round includes an evaluation period for the cryptography community to analyze each candidate’s performance. This allows for the committee to collect data on how each algorithm may perform in the real world.
When will these algorithms be ready for deployment?
我们希望一个赢家(s)将和决定standardized by 2022, after which designers can begin to implement the selected winning algorithms into their devices. These algorithms will be available to just about anyone, as they are public algorithms, but some countries may choose to create variants on it to keep their algorithms unique.
However, these variants on the standard will need to interconnect with others, so that each country will potentially submit their own version to the governing standards body, for example, to ETSI, the European telecommunication industry standards body. In turn, it will become part of the portfolio of available algorithms.
What other measures can be taken now to strengthen our current devices’ security?
At Rambus, we recommend building security into devices’ hardware with secure root of trust and other embedded security solutions to safeguard against software attacks. Devices can also utilize secure provisioning and cloud-based device key management solutions to protect their data against attacks.