





Background and Capabilities

覆盆子PI是由非营利覆盆子PI基金会开发的一系列SBC,作为促进学校和发展中国家的计算机科学教育的平台。最初在2012年发布,计算机基于芯片上的芯片系统(SoC),它包含ARM CPU,GPU和RAM。现在是一系列模型,从$ 5覆盆子pi零到35美元的raspberry pi 4 model b(图。1)

The basic features of the Pi 4 Model B include:

  • 4核皮层A-72 CPU为1.5 GHz
  • Broadcom videocore vi gpu
  • 1, 2, or 4 GB of RAM
  • 2 USB 2.0和2 USB 4.0端口
  • 2 HDMI视频输出
  • 模拟和数字(HDMI)音频输出
  • 1000-Mb/s Ethernet, 2.4/5 GHz wireless, and Bluetooth 5.0
  • 通过MicroSD槽储存

An interesting and perhaps lesser-known offering in the product line is the Raspberry Pi Compute Module. This variation of the Raspberry Pi is packaged in a 200-pin DIMM format that’s intended to be used as the computing core for consumer electronics products. More about this later.

操作系统有许多选择。Raspberry Pi Foundation提供了Raspbian,这是一种基于Debian的Linux发行版,已针对该平台进行了优化,并包括图形桌面并访问了数百个基于Linux的应用程序。其他选择包括Ubuntu和其他Linux发行版,RISC OS,几个版本的BSD Unix,Windows 10 IoT Core和Android的一些非正式端口。

Strengths and Advantages

作为嵌入式计算的平台,Raspberry PI提供了许多优点,包括:

  • 低成本(从5美元开始)
  • 低功耗(通常不需要冷却风扇或散热器)
  • CPU,GPU和内存方面的合理表现
  • 全球多个转售商的广泛可用性
  • Well-documented from hardware schematics to source code for most software
  • 加载硬件的大型开发人员,用户和供应商的大型生态系统
  • 经过验证的设计是其第三代的
  • Stable vendor (around for more than seven years) committed to guaranteed product lifetimes
  • 许多操作系统选项,大多数是开源的,没有许可成本






As an off-the-shelf consumer product, the functionality of the Raspberry Pi is fixed, unlike a custom board that could be designed for specific needs. The functionality onboard is defined (although there are ways to expand it), starting with the basic footprint of the printed circuit board (PCB). If you need more RAM or a faster CPU, no options are available to upgrade it.


It’s only available from a single source. While most of the design is open source, some of the details of the SoC are proprietary. (This is generally the case for all modern devices with a few exceptions like RISC-V).






在硬件级别,Raspberry PI有一些限制,反映了您应该了解的一些成本/性能权衡:

  • CPU和GPU共享相同的RAM(您可以调整它们的分配方式)。
  • USB interface is USB 2.0 (the Model 4B does support the newer 3.0 standard).
  • USB和以太网端口共享相同的总线和相同的控制器,限制带宽(使用型号4B不再具有真正的千兆以太网)。
  • 虽然模拟和数字音频输出可用,但没有车载音频输入。
  • 系统没有实时时钟,通常依赖于网络连接以获得电源上电时的当前时间。
  • 默认操作系统Raspbian针对桌面使用,并且不适合嵌入式应用程序(尽管可以使用其他替代方案)。

最后,ARM CPU不兼容X86,因此它无法运行仅适用于X86平台的商业应用程序。尽管存在仿真解决方案,但在覆盆子PI硬件上往往会很慢。幸运的是,大多数嵌入式应用程序无需运行这些类型的应用程序。


Despite these drawbacks, the Raspberry Pi might still make sense for embedded development. Here are some ways to address the potential limitations discussed above.

覆盆子PI计算模块(图2)专门用于用于商业产品。它具有较小的占地面积,并删除了可能不需要的一些机上循环和连接器。它还提供更多的GPIO端口。通常,您将设计一个自定义的载体板,该板提供所需的功能,物理布局和连接器,将计算模块用作低成本计算核心。销售分销商提供的计算机模块的产品定价和产品寿命的保证比消费者Raspberry Pi型号更长。

If you don't have an in-house hardware design team, there are vendors that can design carrier boards. Some hardware vendors with applications likeGeppetto.even allow you to design a custom board with only limited hardware design knowledge.

可以使用最新的Raspberry PI 4 B来解决性能限制,该raspberry pi 4b提供比早期型号更多的CPU性能。要优化CPU和内存的使用,建议使用像C或C ++这样的高效编译语言。Python和Java这样的解释或吉特编译语言倾向于具有更大的占用占地面积和资源使用量。

ICS often uses theQt框架,非常适合嵌入式应用程序 - 尤其是基于触摸屏的用户界面的应用程序。Qt具有一个名为qml或qt标记语言的简单声明性语言,通常用于应用程序的用户界面部分。剩余的应用程序是用C ++编写的。QT,使用QML时,通过OpenGL将大部分渲染卸载到GPU,这是覆盆子PI平台的理想选择。


覆盆子PI的一些硬件限制可以通过附加硬件解决。PI具有用于LCD显示器的MIPI DSI接口(两个设置在计算模块上)。可以通过USB或GPIO端口添加像音频输入的硬件(例如,支持I2S音频)。可以通过GPIO连接外部电池备用实时时钟。

The filesystem is typically run from a MicroSD card. For optimal performance, you should have a high-quality and high-speed rated SD card.

为了避免需要管理SD卡,particularly in a system that may have many devices, you can explore the option of using a network boot. In conjunction with this, a Power Over Ethernet (PoE) module was recently released for the Raspberry Pi, allowing it to be powered over the same cable as the network connection and avoiding the need for a local power source.

The Raspberry Pi can be a good solution for low-volume products where the non-recurring engineering (NRE) costs of a custom board would otherwise be prohibitive. It can also make sense as a solution for initial prototypes or developing a proof of concept, which could later be migrated to a custom board (or possible a Raspberry Pi Compute Module).

最后,对于价格敏感的应用程序或需要少量足迹的产品,Raspberry Pi Zero成为一个不错的选择。


Raspberry Pi的受欢迎程度催生了低成本SBC的市场领域。现在可以使用数十种替代品,许多替代品具有类似的名称,例如香蕉皮和橙色Pi。尽管这些都不是与Raspberry Pi完全兼容的硬件,但大多数人都试图以某种方式区分自己,例如价格,性能,不同的CPU架构或更多硬件接口。许多针对快速增长的物联网市场。这里只是几个例子:

  • The猎犬板一系列嵌入式木板包括原始的Beagleboard,Beaglebone Black和新的Pocket Beagle。这些是专门为嵌入式应用设计的;高端董事会比Raspberry Pi提供的性能(成本更高)。
  • Pine64.是一个始于Kickstarter Crowdfunding活动的SBC家族。它现在有三种型号。同一家公司还开发了Pinebook上网本电脑。
  • 小册子offers a series of four different SBCs that feature an x86-compatible Intel Atom processor.
  • odroidis a series of SBCs that, as the name suggests, can run the Android operating system as well as Ubuntu and other Linux distributions.
  • 英特尔NUCis a series of small (4 × 4 inch) mini PCs, mostly intended as a desktop computer replacement. They can also be used for embedded applications.
  • arduino.is a series of single-board microcontrollers popular with students and hobbyists. This platform can be suitable for embedded applications where a full operating system isn’t required and a microcontroller is better suited, such as those requiring fast boot times or real-time processing.


一种解决方案是将Raspberry PI作为附加到设备中的主处理器提供。Displays from NEC, for example, provide a slot for an optional Raspberry Pi Compute module. This can be used to allow Raspberry Pi applications to run, in addition to the built-in core functions that the device runs on its main processor. By running the applications off-board, it isolates less-trusted third-party application code from the main system.


While not originally designed as a platform for commercial products, the low cost and wide availability of the Raspberry Pi makes it suitable for many embedded applications if you’re aware of its limitations and avoid some potential pitfalls.

当我最初在2019年6月上旬起草本文时,我对看到Raspberry Pi版本4的可能性包括了一些想法。尽管没有公开细节,但我的愿望清单包括USB 3.0,

true Gigabit Ethernet, more RAM, and greater CPU and GPU performance. On June 24, 2019, the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B was announced, and included all of these features and more. With roughly three times the performance of the Raspberry Pi 3B+, two 4K video outputs, and availability of up to 4 GB of RAM, all at the same base price, the new model is destined to become even more popular for embedded applications.


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