Electronicdesign 1776 Xl 01 Stmicro 3

MEMS Gyroscopes Shrink

Nov. 12, 2009
Expanding the company’s motion-sensor portfolio are 13 single- and two-axis gyroscopes with more than a 50% shrink in volume over existing offerings.

Expanding the company’s motion-sensor portfolio are13 single- and two-axis gyroscopeswith more than a 50% shrink in volume over existing offerings. The single-axis (yaw) and two-axis (pitch-and-roll, pitch-and-yaw) devices fit in packages measuring 3 mm x 5 mm x 1 mm and 4 mm x 5 mm x 1 mm3, respectively. The gyroscopes include power-down and sleep modes and specify an output noise down to 0.01 dps/ ÖHz, a bandwidth up to 560 Hz, and what may be the industry’s widest full-scale range from 30 to 6,000 dps. Pricing for the two- and single-axis gyros are $2.10 and $1.80 each/+50,000, respectively. STMICROELECTRONICS, Lexington, MA. (888) 787-3550.

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