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返回基础:阻抗匹配(Part 2)

March 1, 2012

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在阻抗匹配期间,特定的电子负载(RL)以匹配发电机输出阻抗(Rg) for maximum power transfer. The need arises in virtually all electronic circuits, especially in RF circuit design.

返回基础:阻抗匹配(Part 1)” discusses the use of a transformer as a basic way to match impedance. This article will introduce the L-network, which is a simple inductor-capacitor (LC) circuit that can be used to match a wide range of impedances in RF circuits.

L-Network Applications And Configurations


L-Network有四个基本版本,有两个低通版本和两个高通版本(图。1). The low-pass versions are probably the most widely used since they attenuate harmonics, noise, and other undesired signals, as is usually necessary in RF designs. The key design criteria are the magnitudes and relative sizes of the driving generator output impedance and load impedance.



Design Example #1


Figure 2显示所需的电路。假设在76 MHz的频率下,放大器输出(发电机)阻抗为10Ω。使用给出的公式计算所需的电感器和电容器值Figure 1a:

q = v \\ [(rL/ Rg) - 1 \\]

q = v \\ [(50/10) - 1 \\] = v \\ [(5) - 1 \\] = v4 = 2

XL= QRg= 2(10)=20Ω

l = xL/2pf

l = 20/\\ [2(3.14)(76 x 106) \ \]

L = 42 NH

XC= rL/ Q

XC= 50/2 = 25 Ω

C = 1/2pfXC

C = 1/\\ [2(3.14)(76 x 106)(25)\\]

C = 83.8 pF


The bandwidth (BW) of the circuit is relatively wide given the low Q of 2:

bw = f/q = 76 x 106/2 = 38 x 106= 38 MHz

You can see how this matching network functions by converting the parallel combination of the 50-Ω resistive load and the 25-Ω capacitive reactance into its series equivalent(图3):

Rs= rp/(q2+ 1)

Rs= 50/(22+ 1) = 10 Ω

Xs= xp/\\ [(q2+ 1)Q2\\]

Xs= 25 /(5/4) = 25/1.25 = 20Ω





Rs= series resistance


Xs= series reactance



Rs= rp/(q2+ 1)

Xs= xp/\\ [q2+ 1)Q2\\]

Rp= rs(q2+ 1)

Xp= xs\\[(Q2+1)/ Q2\\]

Q = v\\[Rp/(rs– 1)\\]

Q = XL/ Rs

Q = Rp/ XC


Rp= q2Rs

Xp= xs

Design Example #2

从433-MHz工业 - 科学医学(ISM)频带发射机到5-Ω环形天线阻抗的输出阻抗匹配50Ω的输出阻抗(图5).

q = v \\ [(rg/ RL) - 1 \\]

Q = v\\[(50/5) – 1\\] = v\\[(10) – 1\\] = v9 = 3

XL= QRL= 3(5)=15Ω

l = xL/2pf

L = 15/2(3.14)(433 x 106)

L = 5.52 NH

XC= rg/ Q

XC= 50/3 = 16.17 Ω

C = 1/2pfXC

C = 1/2(3.14)(433 x 106)(16.67)

C = 22 PF





RR= r(q2+1)

RR= L/CR = 5.52 x 10–9/(22 x 10–12)(5)=50.18Ω

RR= r(q2+1)= 5(32+ 1) = 50 Ω


A Modern Application


To meet the need to match a transceiver to an antenna, the modern antenna tuner has been developed. Manual versions with tunable capacitors and switched tapped inductors have been available for years. Today, modern antenna tuners are automated. When the transceiver is in the transmit mode, the tuner automatically adjusts to ensure the best impedance match possible for maximum power transfer.

Figure 7显示一个代表性调谐器。它本质上是一个L网络,通过切换不同电容的不同值内或/或在电感器上切换不同的水龙头以改变电感率来自动调整。微控制器根据某些算法执行开关以进行阻抗匹配。

The criterion for determining a correct match is measuring the standing wave ratio (SWR) on the transmission line. The SWR is a measure of the forward and reflected power on a transmission line. If impedances are properly matched, there will be no reflected power and all generated power will be sent to the antenna. The most desirable SWR is 1:1 or 1. Anything higher indicates reflected power and a mismatch. For example, an SWR value of 2 indicates a reflected power of approximately 11%.

Figure 7,特殊的SWR传感器电路可测量并反射功率,并为微控制器提供比例DC值。微控制器具有内部类似物到数字转换器(ADC),可为阻抗匹配算法提供二进制值。微控制器的其他输入是频率计数器电路的频率和通过阻抗测量电路测量的实际复杂负载阻抗。

一种典型的商业自动化天线调谐器MFJ Enterprises MFJ-928的工作频率范围为1.8至30 MHz,并且可以处理最高200 W的RF功率。它的SWR匹配范围为8:1,阻碍小于50Ω对于大于50Ω的阻抗,最多32:1。

总阻抗匹配范围用于6至1600-Ω范围内的负载。电容的范围为256步的0至3900 PF,范围电感为0至24 µH,分别为256步。请注意,电容可以在电感器前或之后切换。这总共提供了131,072种不同的L/C匹配组合。



  1. Automatic L-network calculator:
  2. Frenzel, Louis E. Jr.,RF Power for Industrial Applications. Prentice Hall/Pearson, 2004,

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