Electronicdesign 28572 Figure Deck 1992 Honda Radio


Sept. 5, 2019
Leaking electrolytic capacitors ruined what was otherwise superior Honda design and quality. Paul Rako looks under the hood to see what exactly happened.

我1992年本田的广播(Fig. 1)十年前开始行动。显示首先出现。至少一会儿将其击中或击中前面板。然后调谐器是间歇性的,无论显示屏是否正常。

1. The radio from a 1992 Honda Accord. The package tray below it could have been replaced with an optional CD player or equalizer.

Four years ago, the radio really broke. It would not play at all; worse yet, there would be loud RF squealing in the speakers, even with the radio turned off. I assumed this was from a blown output section that was receiving electromagnetic interference (EMI), which the blown transistors would rectify and detect. What I was hearing was the envelope of some cell-phone RF signal. I ripped out the radio and put in售后市场广播with GPS.

主扬声器出去了,所以我替换了所有四位扬声器。随着年龄的增长,扬声器锥上的所有泡沫环绕都已瓦解。我想知道由此引起的阻抗变化是否可能影响无线电输出阶段。我应该更了解。作为analog aficionado艾伦·马丁(Alan Martin)教我:“它总是一个电容器。”模拟大师Paul Grohe at Texas Instrumentsworked on fixing electronics during college. He told me that consumer electronics often have leaky electrolytic capacitors that can do further damage by corroding the printed circuit boards (PCBs). It was time for a teardown(Fig. 2)



收音机上的标签非常有用(Fig. 3)。它指出,收音机是用于负面地面的12V车辆。它指出无线电可以以4至8Ω的阻抗驱动扬声器。奇怪的是,这双方颠倒了。该标签还提供了收音机的连接图,并解释说,如果您没有CD播放器或均衡器选项,则需要在后面板上的Din插座中进行一些短路插头。

3. The label from a 1992 Honda radio gives both a model number and serial number. It also provides a connection guide.




5. The top of the radio reveals the solid modular construction.

The output section was a well-designed module(图6)。输出部分通过两个单行标头连接到主PCB。这是大批量产品的绝佳设计。现在,您可以将输出部分作为单独的子组件测试。这增加了收音机在最终组装中运行的机会。注意在输出部分上方的主板上的钣金面板。将其固定在主板上的螺钉被焊接,以确保良好的RF连接。这使屏蔽点火和其他电磁噪声(EMI)。

6. The output section, here flipped left-to-right, plugs into the main board with two single-row headers. The antenna connection is on the left, and a mini-DIN connector on the right is used to connect to an optional CD player or equalizer mounted in place of the package tray.

The Problem Reveals Itself




前面板PCB精心设计且昂贵(图9)。Honda engineers used discrete tact switches rather than试图廉价带有导电碳直接在PCB上按下。音调控制和扬声器平衡旋钮位于左上方。如果您不使用它们,则按钮单击齐平。如果按下它们,它们会像右边的那个一样弹出。这使您可以调整中心旋钮和项圈。这是一个安全功能,以防车身部件在事故中撞到收音机。


The front panel actually has English words—well, abbreviations—to let you know the functions of these knobs. There are green LEDs for functions, and blue LEDs for backlighting. The screen is a blue vacuum-fluorescent unit. These are very good over wide temperature ranges, as in an automobile environment. I never did see why the display was intermittent. It could be the ribbon cable, or it could be solder joints on the PCB itself.


10. The backside of the front-panel PCB is supported by a strong sheet-metal structure.

The backside of the front panel is a mechanical delight(图11)。有很多透明的丙烯酸塑料管道分发功能和背光LED照明。盒式门被精确地铰接,并有一个扭转弹簧,以使其关闭。显示屏被蓝色的塑料板覆盖,该塑料板从真空荧光显示屏中通过蓝光,但它阻止了绿色功能LED照明。

11. The backside of the front panel incorporates clear plastic light pipes to distribute the LED lighting.


盒式磁带播放器的结构便宜(图12)。它有单面paper-phenolic电路板s. It’s a purchased part, perhaps from Sanyo or JVC or some other home electronics maker. The entire radio could have been assembled by an outside vendor to Honda specifications. Thing is, Honda really believed inkanban制造原则,因此他们可能已经设计并组装了收音机本身。根据看板设计,当本田在美国建造一家工厂时,他们总是试图在工厂附近找到供应商,而不仅仅是从日本发送的零件最终组装。

12. The cassette player is a purchased part with inexpensive circuit boards.

The RF section of the radio was a nice electromechanical assembly(Fig. 13)。It’s situated directly in front of the antenna connection. The tuner can may also be a purchased part. It’s amazingSilicon Labsand others can put an entire tuner into a single chip these days—no coils or alignment needed.







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