Electronicdesign 24282 Rako Philipsmp3 Promo


这种相当混乱的设计并不容易构建。保罗·拉科(Paul Rako)揭示了他在“僵尸电子产品”中的尝试中发现的东西。

I got this飞利浦gogear mp3播放器2007年在新加坡机场(Fig. 1)。It cost over 60 dollars. I hated it almost immediately. The display is hard to read and has silly little bubble animations instead of plain information on its OLED display. It’s rechargeable, so you can’t just buy a AAA battery at the airport newsstand to keep it going. Its USB port is the old slow USB 1.0 speed. And it takes four hours to charge.

1. The Philips GoGear MP3 player introduced in 2007.

GoGear只能拥有1 GB的音乐。它有六个均衡器预设,没有人使用过,还有一个没有人使用的FM收音机。当我在国家半导体时,我曾与飞利浦工程师合作。他们的设计能力给我留下了深刻的印象。该产品并没有改善我的意见。

The first problem is that the unit is glued together(Fig. 2)。It makes service difficult, and you’re always afraid of breaking things. The prismatic Li-ion cell is not a common size. The failure of my unit was it would not accept or hold a charge. The flash memory still worked fine after all these years.

2. The cover to the player is glued on.

只是隐藏了更多的镀铬的塑料封面(Fig. 3)。It seems like a waste of money to glue a brushed plastic cover over a chromed plastic frame. Appearance was more important than function to the design team.


RFI(射频干扰)的塑料外壳一定不能是碳或金属填充的。电池上有一个小编织的补丁,以使RF连接到电池电池(Fig. 4)。The battery cell itself seemed complex and expensive since it had chips and components to control and monitor its charging and discharging(Fig. 5)。That and the Kapton tape assembly makes the whole battery needlessly expensive.

4.Li-ion battery cell has a braided metal patch for RFI interference.


The operating buttons(Fig. 6)were a small plastic injection molding that operated tactile switches mounted to the main PCB (printed circuit board). Using discrete purchased tact switches is far preferable to “rolling your own” like the engineers did with theTrek Sensor bicycle speedometer。开关的费用是通过金色放水PCB和滑动USB插头的费用加剧了。

6. The buttons operate side-mounted tact switches on the main PCB.

Adding to an already expensive design, the headphone jack was mounted on a small mezzanine PCB held on with a screw(图7)。That board connects to the main PCB with an expensive board-to-board connector. It adds to assembly cost and makes testing more difficult. This is usually a sign of sending in industrial designers and stylists with no concept of high-volume, low-cost consumer product design.

7. The headphone jack is mounted on a small mezzanine PCB.

The plastic case is also a complex and expensive injection molding(图8)。A case like this requires tooling with slides, and the chroming of the plastic is another expensive step. This isn’t some product with a 20-year design life. It was obvious in 2007 that MP3 players would only get smaller, cheaper, and have much more memory in a few years. Spending all this money on expensive components and complex assembly just doesn’t make any sense.

8. The sliding USB plug and expensive board-to-board connector make this design costly to build.

该产品确实具有我喜欢的一项功能 - 物理“保持”开关。您只需滑动开关,而不是按下三秒钟的按钮,所有的按钮都停止工作。这样一来,当设备放在口袋里时,您就不会意外按其中任何一个。很棒的东西,但这需要一些镀铬的塑料幻灯片,必须将其组装到外壳中,然后您必须在安装PCB时确保其排队。

9. With the guts dangling, the player still works as a flash memory, despite the charging system not functioning.

My friend埃里克·施拉普(Eric Sc​​hlaepfer)taught me the joy of zombie electronics—that when you see if what you just took apart still works while in pieces(图9)。果然,尽管我有黑客攻击,但闪存和显示仍然有效。由于电池是带有主动组件的智能电池,因此我知道更换电池几乎是不可能的。因此,这种过度复杂,设计过度,价格过高的电子产品陷入了垃圾。我在亚马逊上以29美元的价格获得了一个较小的球员。它容纳8 GB,而不是1 GB,听起来很不错Etymotic headphones。I do miss that sliding hold switch, however.


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