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吉姆·威廉姆斯(Jim Williams)的电池堆栈监视器原型

保罗·拉科(Paul Rako)回顾了传奇人物吉姆·威廉姆斯(Jim Williams)和他的同胞马克·索伦(Mark Thoren)建造的基于变压器的原型,它们在当今新兴的电动汽车环境中很好。

早在2007年,吉姆·威廉姆斯(Jim Williams)和马克·索伦(Mark Thoren)写道线性技术nology申请注释AN-112。该音符的标题为“电池堆栈电压测量的开发”,涉及在高压堆栈中监视每个电池电池的棘手问题,例如电动汽车中使用的电池。模拟工程师知道Jim Williamsfrom his prolific article writing.Mark Thoren是一位同样出色且专用的模拟工程师,他在应用程序的数据转换器端工作。

我碰巧拜访了威廉姆斯在写应用笔记时。他自豪地向我展示了他著名的铜制原型电路板之一(图。1)。我很高兴看到威廉姆斯也使用了同样的PanaVise circuit board vise像我一样握住他的电路。该电路使用廉价的脉冲变压器将单个电池电池与测量电路隔离开来。肯特·伦德伯格教授一个不错的帖子关于他的“阅读吉姆·威廉姆斯”博客上的应用注释。

1. This is the prototype circuit board built by Jim Williams for AN-112, an app note about monitoring individual cells in a battery stack.

I agree with Lundberg that Williams’ circuit was certainly no over-complicated prank. While the prototype circuit looks complicated(图2),其背后的模拟原理相当elegant. Transformers are a great way to isolate the cells from the measurement circuit and from each other. I have a friend that works on large lithium-ion battery arrays for electric-grid power storage. He tried one of the early automotive battery-stack monitor ICs from a major analog company. The part worked fine in laboratory conditions. When the company’s assemblers put the pack together, they did not hook up the cells to the monitor circuit in ascending order. This blew up the chip.

2.吉姆·威廉姆斯(Jim Williams)原型的特写镜头显示了他用来开发和理解电路的脉冲品牌脉冲变压器,ICS以及开关和电位计。

Subsequent versions of the battery-stack monitor ICs have more design considerations for real-world automotive use. They often have completely redundant circuits. In addition, a separate bunch of independent circuitry usually monitors the measurement circuit. The entire automotive industry has responded to the requirements of automotive battery systems. In addition to the plethora ofexisting automotive battery standards,SAE(汽车工程师协会)发布了标准J2929crafted specifically for lithium-ion battery stacks.


每个人在特斯拉开火成为国际新闻,很容易理解为什么汽车行业如此认识责任问题。没关系a rational assessment几乎没有关注的原因。陪审团评判the death of a young womanversus a billion-dollar corporation will not be rational.

在嘲笑使用变压器隔离电池堆单元之前,请查看this app note from Analog Devices。该公司在其芯片中使用微小的变压器来达到显着的隔离水平和共同模式排斥。模拟设备购买的可能不是巧合线性技术nologylast year. They are both analog powerhouses, and we can expect more good things in the future.

如果您想监视电池堆栈,除了ADI和线性技术,也可以查看来自AMSandMaxim集成德州仪器a large series of battery monitor chips, too. Its battery expertise goes back decades from when they acquired Benchmarq via their收购单位

3.电池堆栈监视器电路波形与他的AN-112 App Note中放置的Williams完全匹配。威廉姆斯(Williams)在他可信赖的Tek Analog范围上贴上了“真正的英特尔32位微处理器”贴纸。这个男人有很好的幽默感。

In addition to taking pictures of Jim Williams’ prototype circuit, I also snapped a picture of his trustyTektronix示波器(图3)。The waveforms are an exact match to the scope photo in AN-112. I like this photo, since it shows the signals in context, on that faceplate that Williams must have spent many, many hours looking at.


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