Image credit: GlobalFoundries
Wafer Production Fab8 Gf

GlobalWafers to Build $5 Billion Facility in U.S. to Shore Up Wafer Supply

July 8, 2022
Intel, Texas Instruments, TSMC, and other companies building fabs in the U.S. will need raw materials. They may be able to buy locally.

GlobalWafers, one of the world’s top three makers of silicon wafers used to make central processors and other chips, plans to invest $5 billion to build a 300-mm wafer manufacturing plant in Sherman, Texas.


The 3.2 million-square-foot silicon wafer plant is set to become the largest facility of its kind in the U.S. as well as one of the biggest in the world. GlobalWafers said production will hit around 1.2 million wafers per month after it completes several stages of equipment installation. That translates to around 10% of global wafer shipmentsin 2021, which rose to a record-high 14.165 million units, according to SEMI.

While companies are investing in production capacity to help turn the tide, other factors are prolonging the global chip shortage, including a short supply of silicon wafers that are processed and then diced into chips.


GlobalWafers said it will use the $5 billion production facility to help address the supply woes. It continues to sell out future capacity due to unprecedented demand, including the output anticipated from its new facility.

From Sand to Silicon

Most wafers are made from a type of sand called silica. The manufacturing process involves melting and refining the raw material in a crucible and then turning it into a cylindrical bar of silicon—all a single crystal—also called a boule.


The GlobalWafers facility is set to join a number of new fabs now being built in the U.S. Intel, Samsung, and TSMC have announced fab projects in Arizona, Texas, and Ohio that will cumulatively cost around $70 billion.

Intel has said that it could potentially invest up to $100 billion by the end of the decade in its new 1,000-acre manufacturing site outside of Columbus, Ohio, which is able to accommodate up to eight chip fabs.

TI plans to spend up to $30 billion to construct a new manufacturing site outside of Dallas, Texas, by 2025, in a bid to stay a step ahead of demand in the automotive and industrial sectors ravaged by supply issues.

The facility that GlobalWafers plans to erect in Texas will create as many as 1,500 jobs when it comes online. Production from the site is expected to begin as early as 2025.


Most of the world’s silicon wafers are currently manufactured in Asia, forcing semiconductor firms in the U.S. to buy imports. “This investment will represent the first new silicon wafer facility in the U.S. in over two decades and close a critical semiconductor supply-chain gap,” said GlobalWafers.

其他公司正在美国筹码繁荣。默克在2022年初表示将投资10亿美元to increase its output of chemicals and other raw materials运行芯片晶圆厂必不可少的。

默克公司电子子公司EMD Electronics的首席执行官Kai Beckmann表示:“筹码短缺需要整个行业的合作解决消费者目前面临的供应链问题。”


The CHIPS Act, which was passed by the U.S. Senate in 2021, is a bid to fight against future chip shortages and make the U.S. more competitive against China and other countries in Asia, where about 80% of chips are fabricated today. The House, in early 2022, passed a bill backing the same amount of funding. But the Senate and House have been struggling for months now to reconcile the differences between their two proposals.


但是,除非美国通过补贴方案,否则每个人都无法运气。商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo)在一份声明中说:“我们正处于扩大国内半导体生产的一部分时刻。”


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