
Haptics is Ready for Standardization

March 10, 2020

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同样,我们所有人都对触觉技术进行了自身,很难忽略这种采用量增加的严重问题 - 市场分散。不同的专有API,不同的硬件到软件界面和不同的电动机特性有效地创建了“围墙花园”,这使应用程序开发人员很难轻松地将触觉纳入其应用中。更糟糕的是,他们必须重复多个平台和设备的练习。

改变触觉栈的较低水平(例如,replacing the vibration motor) typically necessitate changes to the upper levels (e.g., the codecs and APIs used). The high cost of such changes often discourages OEMs and stifles innovation. This ultimately hurts adoption by end users, the most important link in the haptic value chain.

Need for Standardization

This is where standardization can help. Standardized APIs, standardized evaluation criteria for haptics, and standardized vibration motor performance ranges, to name a few, can only help harmonize haptic offerings from different vendors—without compromising vendor differentiation. This, in turn, will incentivize content and application creators to incorporate richer haptic experiences into their offerings, leveraging the standard interfaces throughout the stack.

Current walled gardens will give way to a flourishing haptic ecosystem that benefits all stakeholders. In other words, the time is indeed right for standardization across all layers of the haptic technology stack(Fig. 1). Also check out本文on the haptic stack.

InFigure 2,触觉技术堆栈的注释是每一层标准的机会,以及标准化可能解决的问题。几个国际标准发展组织(SDOS)将是标准化触觉堆栈各个部分的理想论坛。

However, standardization is really a community-based activity that goes beyond SDOs. It requires buy-in from all members of the haptic community across the entire value chain to drive the standards, regardless of the SDO. A standard that best reflects the interests of all stakeholders, regardless of their role in the value chain, has the best chance of succeeding in the marketplace. To this end, it’s important that the haptics community provides input on the questions that need to be addressed in standardization. The list of questions in the diagram should be considered as just a starting point for further discussions.


To be clear, some ratified haptic standards are already in existence. However, none of them specifically pertain to the haptic technology stack, which is the focus of this article. By creating haptic standards based on the haptic technology stack, we’re acknowledging the interdependency of the entire system in order to deliver consistent and high-quality end-user experiences. This is a shortcoming of existing standards efforts. Briefly:

  • mpeg-V: This standard provides an architecture and specifies associated information representations to enable the interoperability between virtual worlds (such as in gaming, AR/VR, etc.). Part 3 (Sensory Information) addresses haptics, among several other sensory effects.
  • SMPTE ST 2100-1:2017: This standard deals with the definition and representation of haptic-tactile essence for broadcast production applications.
  • ISO 9241-940:2017: This standard deals with the evaluation of haptic and tactile interactions with devices such as 2D and 3D gesture sensors, desktop haptic interfaces, and tactile mobile displays (phones).



mpeg(电影专家小组)不需要介绍,因为它是对MP3,AAC,MP4等标准负责的SDO,它遍及我们的数字媒体寿命。浸没正在研究MPEG4+HAPS规范建议,以将“触觉”盒引入ISO基本媒体文件格式(ISO BMFF)。该公司计划在奥地利阿尔普巴赫举行的MPEG-130会议上介绍该建议。在ISO BMFF中添加一个“触角”框和相关字段将使内容创建者更容易地将一个或多个定时的触觉曲目整合到其媒体文件中。MPEG4+HAPS标准是使所有媒体文件中的触觉无处不在的重要第一步。


The IEEE Standards Association has an ongoing standardization effort calledP1918.1(触觉互联网工作组),将触觉互联网作为5G及以后的应用程序跨各种不同用户组的应用。P1918.1的子组,称为P1918.1.1(Haptic Codecs for the Tactile Internet), focuses on standardizing haptic codecs for both open-loop (vibrotactile) and closed-loop (kinesthetic) communication in the Tactile Internet. Perceptual evaluation of haptic codecs is also under the purview of this sub-group. We’re actively working with both groups to start the standards discussion.


ATSC(高级电视系统委员会)最近发布了其下一代电视标准,称为ATSC 3.0与运行我们现有的数字电视机的现有ATSC 1.0(和ATSC 2.0)标准相比,这是一个量子飞跃。我们无法进入本文中ATSC 3.0标准套件的所有不同方面。However, it’s important to point out that one of the promises of ATSC 3.0 is the ability to view TV broadcasts as well as supplemental content on “companion devices” (i.e., smartphones and tablets) along with “primary devices” (regular ATSC 3.0-compliant TV sets).

Since nearly all companion devices come with haptic actuators built into them, there is a real opportunity here to enhance the viewers’ experience with haptics when they’re watching ATSC 3.0 content on their companion devices. Live sports, feature films, music videos, etc. can all benefit from sophisticated (and customizable) haptics when played back on these devices.


While HD motor specifications themselves are best left to the motor manufacturers, motorperformance characteristics可以从标准化中受益,从而使触觉技术堆栈的上层可以得到一定程度的保证运动性能。

Immersion已经开发了自己的高清电动机性能标准,以确保在将其作为HD资格之前达到某些性能水平。它被用作基准,以在期望的经验水平上建立公司,合作伙伴和客户之间的理解。Lofelt还发布了规格(VT-1) that provides parameters and requirements for creating high-quality, realistic user experiences through vibrotactile (VT) haptic feedback. These two documents are good starting points for the development of a standard for HD motors.

Call to Action

触觉技术有潜力的标准化to lead to better experiences, faster integration, and greater adoption. Now is the right time for it, as more consumer-facing products (automobile dashboards, smart appliances, advanced game controllers, AR/VR headsets) incorporate HD haptics. The success of any standardization effort depends on the active participation of all stakeholders—customers, business partners, technology vendors, and market competitors alike. It can’t be done alone. We at Immersion hope that other members of the haptics community will join us in this effort.

Yeshwant Muthusamy博士是浸没Corp.

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.. .. .. .. .. >>系列:触摸触觉

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