
High-Speed RF Sampling ADC Boosts Bandwidth, Dynamic Range


Modern telecommunications applications like 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) systems as well as forthcoming 5G systems use multicarrier modulation like orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) with quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). To meet user demands for ever-higher data rates, the system must have wide bandwidth and be able to process both high- and low-amplitude signals.


Receiver Architectures

接收器体系结构的三种基本形式用于电信和其他软件定义的Radio(SDR)应用程序:SuperHeterodyne,Direct Conversion和RF采样(见图)。The superhet form(见图,A)是传统的,仍然广泛使用。它采用传入的RF信号,并用混合器将其降低到较低的中间频率(如果)。保留信号调制和带宽,但采样率要求要低得多。

The superhet has some downsides, though. First, it requires many circuits and filters, which bumps up the cost. Also, the local oscillator (LO), usually a PLL synthesizer, adds phase noise and jitter. On top of that, the mixing process makes the receiver subject to images depending on the frequency bands being used. A dual-conversion architecture with a second mixer and LO solves this problem, but adds more cost and complexity.


Common receiver architectures include the traditional superheterodyne (a), direct conversion (b), and direct RF sampling (c).

An ideal receiver architecture employs direct RF sampling, where the incoming signal is sent straight to the ADC for conversion. This hasn’t been possible until recently, as ADC sampling rates have increased to accommodate the higher RF frequencies including microwave spectrum. In the basic arrangement(see figure, c),一些前端过滤缩小了感兴趣的乐队的覆盖范围。ADC将整个输入转换为随后通过DSP方法处理的数字位流。直接RF采样大大简化了设计并最小化成本和复杂性。但是,它需要快速的DSP或FPGA才能跟上数字化率。幸运的是,快速ADC和处理芯片现在可以实现此类接收器。



For example, assume that you need to digitize a group of LTE carriers, each typically 20 MHz wide. The most common scenario is a group of multiple 20-MHz carriers. Sometimes large spaces exist between groups of carriers.

考虑四组十个20 MHz携带者,每个载体彼此之间的间隔65 MHz。那是800 MHz的载体,3×65 = 195 MHz的间距,总带宽为995 MHz。在2 GHz范围内的一些分配的蜂窝频谱频率周围,该带宽最多可达1 GHz的带宽。您将需要最低样品率为2 GB/s的ADC。但是,3或4 GB/S会更好。

One key point to consider: The ADC is going to convert everything within the input bandwidth. Only one ADC is needed, and it doesn’t care if there are gaps in the digitized spectrum. The big problem now isn’t the sampling rate, but how fast the processing can be done. It will take lots of DSP filtering to sort out the individual 20-MHz channels, as well as perform demodulation and other functions. That calls for fast FPGAs or DSPs and a high-speed interface from ADC to FPGA or DSP.

One solution to the processing-speed problem is to take the ADC output and subject it to the process of decimation. Decimation is the process of removing samples from the ADC output at regular intervals, thereby decreasing the sample rate to a range that can be managed by the processing circuits. Decimation is usually carried out by a FIR filter and an anti-aliasing circuit. The sampling rate can also be reduced via digital downconversion with a digital mixer, numerical-controlled oscillator (NCO), and DSP low-pass filter.


Texas Instruments的ADC32RF45是可以实施直接RF采样接收器的ADC。它提供了充满挑战的无线应用所需的宽带宽度和高动态范围。ADC32RF45,双通道,14位,3个样本/S ADC,保持模拟输入带宽为3.2 GHz。一些典型的规格包括69 dB的虚假动态范围(SFDR),SNR为62.7 dB和–155 dbfs/hz的噪声底。

一个重要的功能是在每个ADC渠道之后包含具有多达三个独立NCO的数字下调器。该界面是与DSP,FPGA和ASIC相连的JESD204B。每个ADC有四个车道,速度高达12.5 GB/s。

Besides its use in direct RF conversion receivers for cellular, the ADC32RF45 will find applications in MIMO arrays, beamforming, phased-array radar, electronic-warfare equipment, microwave backhaul, cable and wireless broadband, test instruments, and other SDR designs. TI offers the ADC32RF80EVM evaluation module to get you up to speed quickly in designing.

TI offers a series of instructional videos that further elaborate on the ADC32RF45 and its capabilities and uses:

ADC32RF45: 1-GHz Bandwidth RF Sampling Solution






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