
参加APEC 2019的技术演示

参加APEC 2019的技术演示

The roots of the APEC conference go back to 1975, when a private company put on POWERCON, a show dedicated to the working engineer. When that show ended in 1984, it was replaced by a hodgepodge of tech conferences, but few dedicated to professional engineers.

其中一个是APEC,当时由IEEE Power Electronics委员会赞助,于1985年成立。1986年,该集团赞助了第一次APEC会议。到1988年,理事会变成了IEEE Power Electronics Society(,)APEC赞助商到今天。在1990年,APEC成为了目前的形式,仍然由PELS赞助,但由IEEE行业应用协会加入(IAS) and the Power Sources Manufacturers Association (PSMA). APEC has grown to be the premiere conference for professional power engineers.

This year the conference is held in Anaheim California. The location changes every year, in 2020 it will be in New Orleans. The event is both an educational conference and a vendor show. But in addition to the conference, there was aplenary sessionMonday that had industry luminaries talk about the future of power electronics. The program notes that the session “designed to cover the history of power, the current needs in energy efficiency, and the future possibilities.” There were five half-hour sessions with questions taken at the end of each.

主题包括代表PSMA的Embedded Power Labs首席工程师Robert White概述。其他全体会议包括讨论燃料电池发动机的Abas Goodarzi和FernandoGómez-Carpintero讨论空中客车公司用于太空探索的电力电子设备。他解释了航天器中使用氮化盐(GAN),数字控制和COTS组件的使用。会议与Peater Wawer一起Infineon查看机器人技术中的电力电子设备。琥珀动力学的塞思·桑德斯(Seth Sanders)关于公用事业规模的储能。

全体会议的亮点是Patrizio Vinciarellireceiving the 2019 IEEE William E. Newell power electronics award. Vinciarelli is chairman of the board, president, and chief executive officer of Vicor Corporation, which he founded in 1981. The PSMA also put on two special Saturday sessions: One event was about high-frequency magnetics, while the other focused on capacitor applications using wide-bandgap semiconductors such as GaN and silicon carbide (SiC).

Behind the scenes of the conference and show, there are sponsor meetings for members or IEEE officers(图3)。IAS在整个星期日和星期一早上举行了董事会会议。从周日到星期五,PELS每天举行各种会议。这些幕后的会议是支持APEC会议的伟大基础设施的一部分。会员委员会,研究员委员会,奖项委员会,指导委员会,所有人举行会议,以召集会员和官员,并保持组织和活动最佳工作。

APEC举行的18个专业教育研讨会于周日和星期一举行。这些会话有六个曲目,组件,设计,控制,高功率应用,宽带盖,拓扑和电路。周日会议包括来自Magnetics Guru的演讲雷·里德利(Ray Ridley)关于磁性和控制的建模和模拟的进步。涉及的其他演讲WBG半导体,热考虑,数字控制以及如何在PCB设计中嵌入无源组件。罗伯特·皮拉瓦(Robert Pilawa)来自加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)发表了有关混合和共振转换器的演讲。

周日研讨会包括一场有关磁性设计基础知识的挤满了会议(图4)。讲师是George Slama,高级应用和内容工程师沃思电子(图5)。演示文稿的受欢迎程度表明,饥饿电源工程师拥有有关变压器和电感器的良好应用信息。

另一个包装的会话由Kwok-wai MAof Infineon explaining the questions you might have when migrating from silicon to SiC transistors in power converters (Fig. 6).金·王俄亥俄州立大学讨论了高电流电源转换器的宽带半导体的申请(Fig. 7)Lauren Botelerof the U.S. Army Research Laboratory did a popular talk on thermal design considerations for power electronics(Fig. 8)

On Monday,克里斯托夫·巴索在半导体上进行了有关模拟的介绍(Fig. 9)Xuning Zhang来自Littelfuse解释了如何更改系统以适应和受益于SIC(Fig. 10)。Other presentations covered motor control, magnetics, reliability, and power-train electronics in vehicles.


注意,“亚太经合组织”是“应用”。没有一个人has to sit through presentations on research curiosities like esoteric diamond semiconductors.. APEC is all about circuits and parts that you can put to use today. No matter how versed you are in the circuits and components of power electronics, attending APEC is a smart career move. Whether it is your first time, or if you have gone to every APEC since 1986, there’s plenty to learn.


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