ElectronicDesign 21134 XPPOWER PROMO

Installing Open-Frame and U-Channel AC-DC Power Supplies

March 15, 2018

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通常,电源是在该行业称为开放式格式的情况下提供的。开放式框架通常描述了仅PCB的构造,组件电源旨在安装到最终设备应用程序中,该应用程序为整个产品提供了外壳(Fig. 1)


另一个常见的格式为integ电力供应ration into end equipment is the U channel, where the power-supply PCB is installed in a U-shaped, usually aluminum, chassis that’s often used as a part of the thermal management of the power semiconductors(Fig. 2)。它还为设备制造商提供了多个修复选项,以将电源安装到最终组件中。



另一个重要的考虑因素是与数据表格标题电源等级相比,电源的详细规范,尤其是在温度和输入电压降低方面。最好的产品将额定功率保持在50°C的环境温度,并降低到90-V AC输入。一些产品在低线上宣传了头条电源评级,最多可降低20%,并在低至40°C的环境温度下延长可用功率,这可能使这些产品不适合最终应用。


将开放式电源供应安装到设备外壳中时,有必要观察到所需的爬路和间隙距离设备围墙的距离(Fig. 3)。在I类系统中,这将意味着确保任何接地金属部分和电源的任何主要部分之间的3或4毫米,具体取决于最终应用是工业还是医疗。这可能需要在功率组件周围使用绝缘体。

3. By consulting the mechanical drawing of an open-frame power supply, engineers can assess the best way to mount the supply in the end-application and determine where to attach the ground connections needed to comply with safety regulations. This is often made using one of the mounting holes, but it may be necessary to connect several earth points, which can have implications.

在使用I类电源时,与电源的安全地面连接是电气安全系统不可或缺的一部分,必须牢固地连接到设备安全地面。通常可以通过安装孔之一,通过交流输入连接器或通过Power-Supply PCB上的Poston式选项卡提供此连接。可能会与所需的组装有多种接地的联系,这会影响电气排放和敏感性性能(稍后讨论)。

When employing a class II power supply, the creepage and clearance distances may be required to be larger in metal enclosures. However, the equipment enclosure often is non-conductive with these units.


4. Mounting points in a U-chassis power supply, as shown in this mechanical drawing, can also provide multiple grounding points. This simplifies installation and can improve EMC performance.


Another U-channel construction benefit is the potential for additional cooling of the power components by conduction cooling to the equipment enclosure. This reduces both the temperature of the bonded components and, consequently, the general temperature within the U channel construction.

开放式设备和U通道电源都包括一个或有时是针对医疗设备应用程序,输入保险丝的产品。此类保险丝也是整个产品安全系统设计不可或缺的一部分,并在发生灾难性失败的情况下防止火灾危险。这种保险丝通常是永久安装在电源中的,而不是为更换而设计的 - 清除保险丝的唯一原因是由于电力供应组件的故障。

Both constructions require input cabling, but the end equipment also needs additional fusing to protect against potential fire hazard issues created by the incorporation of connectors, indicators, switches, and the cabling itself.

Output cables must be sized to accommodate the maximum power capability of the power supply. This includes the maximum tolerances for its overload protection specification to ensure safe operation in the event of a fault in the equipment.

There are also thermal considerations, as some safety-critical components have a maximum temperature rating. This is discussed in more detail under thermal management.


Open-frame power supplies normally require two and sometimes three mounting points to be connected to ground. As discussed above, in a class I system, one of these connections—located on the input side of the assembly—is typically required for safety ground.



The optimal way to connect these points is by mounting the open-frame supply on a metal plate. It needn’t be connected to anything else, but provides a low impedance path with low parasitic elements for the filter capacitors to be connected. When this type of mounting is impractical, other methods must be employed to connect these mounting points, such as a multi-strand cable.





The mounting position, orientation, available surrounding space, applied load, and surrounding parts, along with any system air cooling, are unique to each application. It’s important to check the operating temperature of key components within the power-supply assembly once installed to ensure that the safety-critical components don’t exceed their maximum ratings as specified in the safety-approval reports, and that it doesn’t impair the reliability and service life of the supply.


开放式框架和U通道电源的数据表都应集成到最终设备中,通常识别关键安全组件及其最高温度额定值 - 这些供应从一种供应到另一个供应,取决于所用的绝缘系统类别(图5)。此外,它们通常根据关键电解电容器的温度提供估计的使用寿命曲线,这是电源内唯一具有磨损机构的部分。

Service life predictions are based on the electrolytic capacitor design lifetime at its maximum temperature rating and the average temperature experienced in the end application over its mission profile. Clearly the maximum temperature rating can’t be exceeded under any circumstances or extremes of operation.


Lifetime calculations undertaken by the power-supply manufacturer will include elements based on the applied ripple current. However, this is impractical in the finished power-supply assembly. Therefore, a good indication of service life can be determined by measurement of the component case temperature and application of the Arrhenius equation to the specified temperature and design lifetime.

加里·博科克(Gary Bocock), Technical Director atXP Power,是合格的电子工程师,也是工程技术机构(MIET)的成员。他在电力供应行业工作了30年,从事设计,开发,应用和管理角色。他在XP工作了20多年,并从事各种工程和管理工作。



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