电子设计5934 Mirsky


By modeling and analyzing your switching or linear voltage regulator, you can properly size the hold-up capacitor to support the circuit load during line-cycle drops after the rectification stage


The hold-up capacitor is charged from the rectifier output, through the very low resistance of the rectifier and ac line, so the voltage across the capacitor follows the rectified line voltage as it charges(Fig. 1)。然后,电容器通过提供负载的电源转换器排放。与线性相比,当固定电容器提供开关调节器时,其所需值有很大差异,因此我们将分别查看它们。

1. A general schematic of a basic rectifier and regulator shows the critical functional elements and the position of the hold capacitor.


We can neglect power loss in a switching regulator due to its high efficiency.

describes the hold-up capacitor voltage while charging. (The absolute-value sign is used to describe the rectifier action.) V在_maxis the peak value of the rectified voltage. The hold-up capacitor voltage, while discharging, is defined by:

where Pis the converter’s input average power, and VC是目前的电容器电压。使用这些参数,等效放电性rdisch可以用来确定Ch, the hold-up capacitance. Note that VC本质上等于VHoldUp(t) here.

These charge and discharge curves meet up in another cycle, at time t0:

通过取消V在_max, 我们获得:

要获得平均电压V的值C_AVof the hold-up capacitor, define rdischusing:

Note that the VCchanges while Chdischarges, with the same changes as rdisch。To simplify the analysis, we have to find out the average value for the discharge resistance. VC从V成倍更改在_maxthrough Vdisch。我们知道V的值在_max和vdisch, and assuming the discharge process is linear, we can find the voltage across average value of Chusing:




Solving Equation 4 with respect to Ch, 我们获得:

这是关于t的先验方程0and is very hard to solve symbolically, although it would be very interesting to use it to obtain the value for t0directly and then figure out how the “meeting point” t0depends on the capacitance of the hold-up capacitor.

Instead, solve the equation with respect to Ch。When Ch放电,这样做,直到达到预定的阈值电压Vdisch对于时间间隔t0using:


Substituting Equation 7 into Equation 5, we obtain:

from which we get:



With a line voltage V线= 415 V, load power Pload= 70 W, and efficiency η =97.2%,然后:

V在_max= √2 × V线= 587 V


Vdisch=√2/2×V在_max= 415 V时F = 50 Hz,ω=2πf= 314秒-1, and P= pload= 72 w

From this we obtain a value for VC_AV:

which leads to a value for the hold-up capacitor:

with Ch= 6.21 × 10-6F,对于固定电容器来说,这是一个相当高的价值。

We can plot a graph for this example(图2)

2. After charging to Vin_max, Ch discharges down to Vdisch. After reaching Vdisch, Ch starts to charge again.

As discharge-margin Vdischis lowered, more energy should be supplied to the hold-up capacitor to fully charge it, as seen from:

At this point, the hold-up capacitor starts to charge, as indicated by:




The situation for a linear regulator is very different than for a switching regulator. With Vloadas the voltage across the load, and Ploadas the power to the load, we clearly have:

The linear regulator resistance is given by:


The time constant is given by:


并解决Chwe get:

When Chdischarges, we find Vdisch来自:

which leads to t0:




使用pload= 70 W和Vload= vdisch- 2.5 V.然后确定Ch通过:


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