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Enhance Thermal Performance Through Design And Optimization

Jan. 7, 2013

When electrons flow through a resistive material, heat is generated. It’s not uncommon for high-power IC chips to dissipate greater than 50 to 100 W. A few years back, projections showed that chips would commonly reach 400 W or more. This increase in IC power levels has taken a back seat as energy conservation efforts have accelerated, as desktop computing has given way to battery-powered systems, and as cell phones and tablets strive for ever longer battery life.

As a result, power consumption growth rates have slowed and even reversed in some instances. At the same time, packages are shrinking to meet the needs of portable and space-constrained systems. Power densities can still be high, greater than 10 W/cm2,即使总功率降低了。如果没有从死亡中进行热量,则与伴随的电故障发生过热。




接触模具的每个结构都成为模具热量的热导通路。触摸模具的一切都是散热器。在包装中,模具附加材料从模具中的材料导致铅框架模具垫或基材中的铜平面。霉菌化合物从模具和模具垫的表面进行热量,以指导手指或包装表面(Fig. 1)。如图所示,电线键和底物痕迹可以将热量进行加热,以将热量传递到印刷电路板(PCB)中,该球的作用像是包装的散热器。

1. An over-molded, wire-bonded IC package attached to a system-level PCB can take advantage of common thermal conduction paths (shown in red) for cooling.

The heat-spreading efficiency of a package primarily depends on the layout of the metal structures within it. Why? Copper’s thermal conductivity is 386 W/m-°C at room temperature. Solder conductivities range from 30 to 60 W/m-°C depending on the alloy implemented. Compare this to insulating polymer conductivities of 0.1 to 2 W/m-°C, depending on the filler material. The polymers are two or more orders of magnitude less thermally conductive than the copper. Metal in the package and the system board and chassis will conduct most of the heat.

The design of the metal must be carefully controlled for thermal management. To keep the chips cool, high thermally conductive metal paths must be implemented to spread the heat for improved convection and radiation into the system environment. Each package type will have its own set of thermal paths that require optimization.


系统观点对于包装热增强至关重要。例如,如果预期进行散热,则必须优化从模具到散热器安装表面的热传导。需要努力使这条路径尽可能传导。如果要将PCB用作散热器,则需要在包装中(或暴露的热垫中的热量)进行热传导路径,以在PCB中的热扩散特征中(Fig. 2)

2. This four-layer PCB cross section shows a package with an exposed pad soldered to a thermal landing that is connected to the PCB ground plane through thermal vias. The vias are isolated from the power plane for electrical reasons. In this figure, the ground plane would become the thermal spreading plane assuming it was continuous over a large area

PCB必须有足够的spreading area on each device to convect and radiate the required heat load(Fig. 3)

3.连接到IC包装的热播放平面的面积决定了PCB的冷却效率。有效的qja在包装下的(x,y)长度的函数的12毫米12毫米芯片尺度的包装中,绘制了该封装下平面的(x,y)长度的函数,最多可达104 x 104 mm。假定两个痕量长度,显示了从痕迹进入平面的热量偶联。




• Determine the power that will be dissipated under all use conditions.

• Ensure all design inputs such as thermal properties are accurate.

• Identify the range of thermal enhancements that fit the application space and system cost targets.



• Validate the modeling predictions to improve the process for future designs.



Software tools are a must for thermal enhancement and optimization. Thermal engineers should be intimately familiar with their tool of choice, knowing its strengths and weaknesses. Factors such as convergence, mesh sensitivity, and mesh simplification must be addressed to ensure accuracy.



Darvin Edwards, TI Fellow, manages the SC Packaging modeling team at Texas Instruments. His team is responsible for electrical, thermal, and thermomechanical analysis of new products and package developments. He received his BS in physics from Arizona State University and holds 20 patents. He also has authored or co-authored over 45 papers, articles, and book chapters and has lectured on thermal challenges, modeling, reliability, electrostatic discharge (ESD), and 3D packaging.


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