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Large-Scale Flash Moves Next To The Microprocessor


暗黑破坏神技术Terradimm在标准DDR3内存频道上放置多层单元格(MLC)闪存存储(图。1)。当今的微处理器,例如英特尔的Core i7和Xeon都有多个内存频道。Flash Storage推动了SAS/SATA甚至PCI Express上的接口带宽。将闪存直接连接到内存控制器提供了一种内存通道存储体系结构,该体系结构具有最大,最快的接口,而无需更改处理器体系结构。

图1. Diablo Technologies的Terradimm看起来像DIMM,但这都是闪存存储以及处理DDR3协议的ASIC控制器。

Terradimm与Viking Technology’snon-volatile DRAM, the ArxCis-NV(see “闪存存储的基本面”)。Arxcis-NV本质上是DRAM,其内容将在停电中幸存下来。在系统启动后,双线内存模块(DIMM)作为DDR3模块运行,并且在系统功率下电源时保存内容。仅在电源降低时才使用闪存存储。维京方法使用ASIC来处理备份和还原操作。它还可以使DRAM在系统运行时像DRAM一样运行。

这TerraDIMM includes an ASIC as well. It has on-chip RAM for caching, and there is enough on-module capacitance to ensure that anything written to the chip and stored in RAM will be saved in flash memory. The big difference is that all write transactions are pushed to the flash storage so there is nothing special to do when power is lost.

In the short term, writes to a TerraDIMM will be on par with DRAM, but bandwidth is limited by the MLC flash storage capabilities for larger updates. Data is also read directly from flash storage. The advantage is a significantly larger capacity compared to DRAM or Viking’s approach. Modules with hundreds of gigabytes of flash storage are available. DRAM module size is a fraction of that.

A typical configuration has multiple TerraDIMMs connected to multiple memory channels that would also contain DDR3 DRAM(图2)。需要BIOS mod来识别地段及其能力。通常以平衡的方式添加DRAM,并在特定插座中具有多个DIMM。Terradimms不需要遵循此限制,因为每个DIMM都是单独管理的。这意味着系统可能具有一个单一的terradimm或每个通道。


At this point, the TerraDIMM is accessed using one of two methods, both employing a device driver. The first is to present the storage as a device just like a conventional PCI Express flash device or a SATA/SAS device. Its block-oriented interface works with typical server operating systems like Windows and Linux.

另一种方法是利用的方式the TerraDIMM storage is mapped onto the processor’s virtual memory system. This requires more coordination with the applications, but it provides direct access to the storage. The application simply reads and writes to virtual memory, and the TerraDIMM ASIC handles the operations. The only difference between it and DRAM is volatility and speed.

Diablo Technologies针对这种类型的频道存储架构具有重大好处的企业空间。它同样适用于从数据记录到重型数字处理的嵌入式应用程序,在此需要大量数据,而非挥发性是一个优势。


暗黑破坏神技术的方法可提供主要的好处。主要限制将是微处理器可以支持的DIMM数量和DIMM的容量。在许多情况下,可以通过PCI Express或其他存储接口提供额外的闪存存储,从而为内存层次结构添加了另一个层。

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