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医疗的Wearable Devices Get “Squishy”

Stretchable electronics will give doctors superhero-like abilities.

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The future has arrived in the form of medical wearable devices. These devices are often comprised of a ridged box of electronics with a battery and some type of adhesive, so that it can attach to the patient’s skin. This close contact can be a problem when you consider that some wearables stay on for long periods of time. Comfort is incredibly important, as anyone who wears a prosthesis could tell you. And trying to mount a stiff silicon chip and hard-bodied battery on a ductile human body, isn’t necessarily comfortable.



The challenge with this is that the human body takes on many shapes. Band-Aids alone come in multiple shapes. Also, manufacturing processes tend to lean toward simple 2D structures. Knowing what will happen to the shape and how it might affect the circuit once it’s on the 3D body is important. Fortunately, we already have a lot of knowledge and defined properties for materials that we know are safe for the human body. This data can be designed in software and simulated.

FEA and Simulation

使用诸如Dassault Systems的Simula之类的程序,Huang已经生成了许多已经制造并匹配模拟的形状。一些公司已经在使用可穿戴或灵活的电子技术开发商业产品:

  • Reebok的检查灯 - 衡量对头部影响的示意力。
  • L'Oreal的紫外线补丁 - 一个贴纸,让您知道紫外线受到了多少损坏您的皮肤。
  • MC10 - WiSP—a wireless self-adhesive pad for health monitoring Glucose from sweat.


"The human body shape is curvilinear, but the conventional electronics are flat," says Dr Huang. "There is clearly an incompatibility here, i.e., the conventional electronics, being rigid, cannot be wrapped conformally on the complex shapes such as heart or brain. One example is a Band-Aid which can be wrapped onto the finger without much difficulty, but if it is wrapped onto a finger tip, then the Band-Aid will have a lot of wrinkles and folds. The conventional electronics cannot be wrapped onto such complex shape, but stretchable electronics can since, at the place of wrinkles, the stretchable electronics can stretch itself like a rubber band."

The Difference Between Flexible and Stretchable

3 d打印电子的能力导致lot of talk about flexible electronics that use conductive inks on a flexible substrate. However, stretching that substrate adds a new level of complexity. Wires and inks might be able to form and flex without a problem, but they can’t be stretched. Once that challenge is solved, you still have the hard, brittle silicone chip that must be designed in a way so that it doesn’t break. 3D printing can deal with polymers and some metals, but not inorganic semiconductors like Silicon. Therefore 3D printing cannot be used to fabricate electronics (involving lot of inorganic seminconductors). To generate inorganic semicondictors, engineers must work together.

To solve this, “Mechanical and electrical engineers must work together simultaneously,” said Huang. “Normally, an electrical engineer would design a circuit and then have the mechanical engineer design a safe package. But stretchable electronics need to have both engineers working together.” In this case, the circuit and package are the same thing.




The key to his development is built-in microstructures. As the elastomer deforms, the microstructures start to align, which will increase the amount of force needed to stretch it further. The elastomer is typically designed for 30% elongation, at 30% elongation, at which it will return to its original shape. However, elongation at 150% or greater could result in the microstructures aligning and crystalizing. At this point, the material would not return to its original shape. While this gives some stretch to the wires and substrate, the silicon chips, batteries, and other electronics are still rigid.


To make the entire system stretch, you start with a silicon wafer. This wafer leads to thin Silicon ribbons. Then polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), a silicon-based organic polymer, is strained and bonded to the original thin silicon ribbons. Once the PDMS is removed, the thin ribbons are shown to become wavy. This provides a high semiconductor coverage area, but the wafer stretches less than 20%.

可以获得较大的“波浪”,以提高电路的拉伸能力(> 100%)。这是通过将覆盖面积减少到约25%来实现的。一旦技术可以拉伸,就没有任何终点 - 包括使科幻小说成为现实。例如,在节目“黑镜”中,多集描绘了作为相机起作用的目光接触,或者可以为一个人的视野增加增强现实。在节目中,这些联系人允许角色录制,共享或播放他们所看到的所有内容以及更多内容。这可能是从2008年8月的《科学杂志》上启发的Nature. That issue featured a paper on an electronic camera that is able to take the shape of a human eye, one that could someday work on a contact lens.

Today, however, most of this technology is going into medical wearables, not entertainment. Cost is a factor here, as well as the fact that some of the technology is still being researched or is in testing. Much of the testing with the materials has worked out well. In the design stage, there was a great concern about stress concentrations and fatigue failure. To combat stress concentrations, it is important to keep the strain on the silicon as small as possible. A safety factor is built into the silicon. A device is designed so that only 10% of the overall fracture strength will ever be put on the silicon during its operation.

For fatigue, Huang’s lab and other companies that use this technology have tested materials and designs over 100,000 cycles without incident. When exceeding this number of cycles, stress and fatigue no longer pose much of a concern. Before a wearable sees over 100,000 cycles, it will start to lose contact with the body.

Adhesives for the Body

Most failures are not because of a mechanical or electrical problem, but because the device loses contact with the skin. This is not due to lack of adhesive technology, but rather, the fact that the skin generates new cells. The old cells that are attached to the medical device won’t continue to have enough contact to make accurate readings, or even stay on the body, after a week or two.

此外,可以减少电力的粘合剂signals between the skin and device. The devices being designed often do not use adhesives. They are very thin, following the topology of the skin so well that the Van Der Waals forces are actually strong enough to keep the device on the body. These forces are enough to keep a medical device on through normal day-to-day activities.

If you were to take a shower longer than 20 minutes, swim, or have a rigorous workout, however, an adhesive would still be needed. By using Van Der Waals forces, a device could be easily removed and reapplied without issues of the adhesives compatibility with the patient’s skin, needing to clean old adhesive off, or needing to add more adhesive.

As this technology grows and cost is reduced, sophisticated wearables could make it into entertainment. Huang has already designed a stretchable battery. But for now, flexible and stretchable electronics and batteries can be easily attached without adhesives, and are poised to change the way we think of medical devices. An EKG can now be smaller than a fingernail and send updates to your phone.

Imagine a Band-Aid telling you when the wound it is covering has healed. A sticker might tell you when to get out of the sun, or when to get more of it. Imagine having a sticker that is actually your watch, and that connects to your phone, and is powered by another sticker that’s a battery. As the gap between sci-fi and reality closes, we must realize that our imaginations might become our biggest limiting factor.

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