Xplain evaluation kitallows users to examine features and system performance of the MCUs at a minimum hardware cost. The kit derives power via a mini USB connector and comes with an ATxmega128A1, a 100-pin, general-purpose MCU with 128 KB of flash memory and an 8-KB boot section in flash. It provides all the features available in the XMEGA family including a DMA controller, Event System, 12-bit analog peripherals, an AES and DES crypto module, external bus interface, and all second-generation picoPower features. The kit also contains a speaker with an audio amplifier, potentiometer and temperature sensor, eight function buttons, and eight LEDs. Retail price for the kit is $29 each. ATMEL CORP., San Jose, CA. (408) 441-0311.
Supporting the company’s AVR XMEGA microcontroller (MCU) family, the