Electronicdesign 21753 Latticevision Promo


April 18, 2018
Lattice Semiconductor’s CrossLink Video Interface Platform (VIP) Bridge Board incorporates a FPGA and pair of IMX214 camera sensors.

汽车高级驾驶员辅助系统systems (ADAS) make heavy use of many types of sensors including cameras. Vision systems are also key elements in many other embedded applications from robotics to surveillance. Higher-resolution cameras generate a better-quality image, but these also require more processing.

However, adding an FPGA to the mix allows processing up front that can reduce bandwidth requirements and add functionality at the source. This can be a boon to many applications, from drones to augmented- and virtual-reality headsets.


On that front,Lattice Semiconductor’sCrossLink Video Interface Platform (VIP) Bridge Board(图。1),which is part of the company's Embedded Vision Development Kit, includes aCrossLink FPGAand a pair of IMX214 camera sensors. Two cameras can be used to implement stereo vision systems as well as other single- and dual-camera applications. It has four user-programmable LEDs and on-board SPI flash for the FPGA.

The FPGA can handle video chores such as multiplexing and demultiplexing, merging video streams, arbitration, splitting, and data conversion. It’s also capable of delivering custom data stream protocols.

2. The back of the VIP board has a pair of connectors that enables a carrier board to access the processed video.

The VIP board provides a front-end FPGA processing system that’s often connected to a host like the ECP5 VIP processing board. The two upstream connectors on the back(Fig. 2)enable access to the CrossLink FPGA I/O.

交叉链接FPGA(Fig. 3)is based on Lattice’s 40-nm, low-power FPGA technology. It includes 5,936 lookup tables (LUTs), a pair of MIPI D-PHY interfaces, a hard core I2C/SPI接口以及可编程和通用I/O端口。MIPI接口以高达6 GB/s的速度运行。他们支持四个数据车道,并有一个时钟车道。该系统可以处理最多4K UHD的视频流。

3. The CrossLink FPGA includes 5,936 LUTs, a pair of MIPI D-PHY interfaces, a hard core I2C/SPI interface, plus programmable and general-purpose I/O ports.

Lattice offers a number of IP modules for the FPGA, all of which are supported by the Lattice Diamond development tools. The Diamond license is free for non-SERDES devices. The FPGA can be programmed using the on-board header or via one of the upstream connectors. Each camera has its own I2C编程接口连接到上游连接器。车载调节器支持5、3.3或2.5 V的电源输入。

This board is not available separately but is normally part of Lattice's video kits. I will be checking out some of Lattice’s video kits in the near future, so stay tuned.

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