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Aug. 22, 2022
The century-long reign of the internal-combustion-engine powertrain now has an expiration date.

What you’ll learn:

  • How battery innovation (e.g., solid-state batteries) may change the landscape in relation to range, lifespan, efficiency, acceleration, and charging-speed capabilities.
  • 市场上正在评估哪些技术以提高电池的能源能力?
  • Important tests and measurements to evaluate the performance of powertrain and battery components.

The regulatory push to reach net-zero emissions and increased customer preference for electric vehicles (EVs) has resulted in 18 of the 20 largest auto-manufacturing OEMs in the world committing to increase their EV sales and offerings, according to theIEA。在接下来的五到十年中,这些OEM在未来的五到十年中注入了2000亿美元的新投资,这些OEM集中在三个趋势领域:电气化和电池,连接的汽车和下一代自动驾驶汽车。

Successfully moving the market to a point where EVs are accessible to everyone will require the ability to quickly evaluate, test, and analyze components and systems from the lab to the field during the design process.

These trends, the innovations around them, and their unique testing challenges and solutions are what will “drive” the market into the future. Everything from how automakers are structured, financed, and go to market was optimized around the traditional internal combustion engine (ICE). But this competence is shifting, and automakers are transitioning from ICEs to powertrain and batteries. The century-long reign of the ICE powertrain has an expiration date now.


According toMcKinsey,据估计,从现在到2030年,电池市场的增长率约为30%(CAGR),达到约4,000-GWh的容量,相当于大约90个Gigafactories。Today, China is responsible for the lion’s share of production for lithium-ion batteries(见图)。但是,诸如固态电池之类的电池创新可能会改变这种情况。


Using lithium-ion batteries in cars is trending today, but these batteries have performance issues in relation to range, lifespan, efficiency, acceleration, and charging-speed capabilities. The ions in lithium batteries move through liquid, making them heavier, which negatively impacts range.




改善距离和时间的方法之一是公司rease the number of battery cells per battery pack in a vehicle. However, this isn’t an optimal solution because both the vehicle’s price and its weight will rise. To extend the range of a battery on a single charge, the energy capacity must be increased. The industry is examining a few different ways to accomplish this goal:

  • Increase the battery energy density measured in watt per hour (W/hr). This is the path the industry is pursuing today. Since the introduction of lithium-ion, its specific energy has gone up at 6% CAGR year-over-year since 1991. This is lower than the energy density of regular gas that we put in our traditional vehicles today by a factor of a 100. So, there’s lots of room to improve.
  • 通过跳过模块,从“单元到模块到包装”订单中删除模块。直接从单元格到包装级别可以减少车辆的重量,从而单一充电,改善车辆的范围。但是,这引入了热条件和连接,需要额外的接线。
  • 提高从电池组中的直流电到电动汽车中的交流牵引电机的有效能量转换。牵引运动转换效率提高了将电池组中存储在DC中的能量转换为物理向前移动车辆的能量的过程。

Much more work is needed in relation to battery life. Some of the drawbacks of lithium-ion batteries is they tend to overheat and get easily damaged at very high voltages. In some cases, they can lead to thermal runaways and combustion. Over the lifetime of the battery, the energy storage capacity diminishes. The hope is when we switch to solid-state batteries, some of those lithium-ion tradeoffs will no longer be a concern.

Measurement Challenges: Testing for Safety, Efficiency, and Power







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To grow the EV market substantially, advances in battery technology alone will not be sufficient. Government regulations, industry standards, safety and reliability, and ensuring critical data from the in-vehicle network is given priority all will play a role during the continued development of EVs, the connected car, AVs, and even future electric air vehicles. The goal is for EVs with a 350-mile range to be accessible for all. On this front, Tektronix is committed to helping its customers build a sustainable future, where technology is leveraged to make the world a better place.


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