- Why occupancy status technology is critical to the future of vehicle safety.
- 计算机视觉中的机器学习和神经处理的进步如何将OS的质量和性能提高到新级别。
- 单相机解决方案如何在自定义卷积神经网络和RGB-IR/IR传感器上运行,启用同时驱动器和乘客传感
实际上,它已经获得了监管牵引力和整个行业的采用。EURO NCAP(新汽车评估计划)将激励2022年提供该系统的汽车制造商,汽车制造商联盟成员和全球汽车制造商协会愿意在2025年之前对占用率进行监控。
推动这种改变是什么?为什么主人的地位such a critical aspect to the future of mobility? The simple answer is the emergence of autonomous vehicles and increasing automation in non-autonomous vehicles. Detection technology like OS is supportive in its ability to identify everything from occupant behavior and state to emergencies, attentiveness, and more.
关键是技术有助于使车辆行驶更安全,并将随着需求的不断变化而继续发展。因此,OS的应用虽然与旧的轮胎空气压力表相距甚远,但它代表了一个未来,其中包括宠物在内的乘客安全,包括更多的自动化,以及自动驱动和自动的经验。Xperi’s出于以下原因,开发并设计了DTS AutoSense以做到这一点:
- 在不断变化的环境中的安全:需要在任何时候处理各种变化,即客机控制,自主环境,部分自治,紧急乘客控制等。为此,它应该概述完整的机舱内饰,并具有框架准确性分析的能力。
- Occupant positioning:While we can acknowledge that passengersshould坐着,以安全的方式行事,他们通常不会,尤其是孩子。操作系统技术可以分析和发出警告,可以根据每个乘客姿势和暴露发生事故来部署安全气囊。这项技术可以以与乘客ID对齐的可控方式部署安全气囊,还提供定制的旅行体验(特定于负载的设置,温度,照明,声音等)。
- Occupancy behavior:In a more autonomous future, safety regulation organizations will need to understand far more than simple seat occupancy. By developing a rear-view mirror camera stream, analyzed by various neural-network-based algorithms, we have enabled a holistic in-cabin sensing system that allows for more behavioral context that can be scored by any regulatory institute.
- Occupancy experience:这不仅与安全有关。OS监视将通过音乐,照明方案,座椅调整等的个性化来实现更好的旅程体验,所有这些都是基于乘客ID/位置/行为/活动的所有这些。想象一下,根据您的心情为您选择播放列表,如通过活动和分析所检测到的。
How the Technology was Developed
DTS AutoSense占用监测系统(OMS)背后的核心技术利用了计算机视觉的机器学习和神经处理的进步,将质量和性能提高到了新的水平。通过仔细使用数据,KPI进行检测,分类和识别达到上层90%。
The availability of relevant data with high-quality annotations is key to performance, which is why DTS invested heavily in all aspects of data infrastructure, from acquisition and generation, validation, evaluation, storage, retrieval, and compute power to a skilled workforce dedicated to using and managing it. With the stream of data secured, DTS AutoSense leverages AI advances as they were prototyped to continue to innovate development.
The OS solution runs in real-time in any vehicle cabin and can offer feedback and/or directly report on passenger status. If a seat in the vehicle is occupied, this position will be detected, recorded, reported, and actualized in real-time.
Detection of occupants
Overall, as we navigated through these challenges, we developed specific data-acquisition scenarios and perfected a custom infrastructure that was able to design solutions for issues particular to this technology.
The complexity of these challenges required rigorous analysis and testing, including evaluation contexts, specific scenarios, poses behaviors, and occlusions. We addressed a variety of factors, from cabin size and form, to day vs. night light, to high occlusion rates. We then collected real traveling scenarios from different vehicles with a variety of passengers (up to five), and at multiple traveling lengths and landscapes.
Sensor and image quality were critically important. We had to tackle problems caused mainly by noise, overexposure (extreme sunlight), underexposure (low-light condition) issues caused by the mixed IR and visible domains, fast ambient light transitions (entering a tunnel), shadows in-cabin and on passengers, as well as varying ambient lighting, color, and intensity.
Overall, it took the team years of ideation, development, testing, and more testing to create a truly accurate OS system for passenger vehicles. We’re proud of the work we’ve done, excited to see how it’s applied in the future, and how it evolves as vehicle users’ needs multiply and change.
Clearly, the number of in-cabin features provided by car makers will increase, and, as such, they will need to have a corresponding number of safety elements and use cases—that will be critical. DTS AutoSense is designed, developed, tested, and ready for the global market challenge.