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NHTSA Proposes Adding ADAS Tech to its Feature Rating System

Feb. 16, 2021
NHTSA’s planned update to NCAP includes four additional ADAS technologies aimed at mitigating high-frequency and high-risk crash types. NHTSA requests comments on how best to develop a rating system for ADAS included in its crash avoidance program.

What you’ll learn:

  • 国家公路交通安全管理局计划将四个额外的艾达S technologies in its rating system (NCAP).
  • The series of questions the NHTSA is looking to get feedback on from the industry.
  • Potential implementation of a new rating system.

New passenger vehicles are required to be labeled with safety rating information published by theNational Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)根据其新的汽车评估计划(NCAP)。NCAP是美国政府的主要消费者信息计划,用于评估车辆安全性能。这是NHTSA用来履行其减少美国道路上发生的死亡,伤害和经济损失数量的几项计划之一。

NHTSA plans to update NCAP by adding four advanced driver-assistance system (ADAS) capabilities to keep pace with evolving safety technologies and providing much-needed information to consumers. The ADAS technologies are pedestrian automatic emergency braking (PAEB), lane-keeping support (LKS), blind-spot warning (BSW) and blind-spot intervention (BSI).

NHTSA uses four prerequisites for selecting technologies to include in NCAP. They are:

  • The technology addresses a safety need.
  • 存在可以缓解安全问题的系统设计。
  • The technology provides the potential for safety benefits.
  • A performance-based objective test procedure exists that can assess system performance.

NHTSA的最新提案还询问了如何最好地为ADAS技术开发评级系统的评论。它进一步要求对传达此信息传达此信息的潜在方法的评论(也称为Monronone标签,以Almer Stilwell“ Mike” Monroney的名字命名,他在1951年至1969年间担任俄克拉荷马州的美国参议员,在所有新的汽车上展示(见图).

NHTSA目前对NCAP的四个ADA技术进行性能验证测试:前碰撞警告(FCW),车道 - 部件警告(LDW),崩溃迫在眉睫的制动(CIB)和动态制动支持(DBS)。CIB和DBS统称为自动紧急制动(AEB)。配备了其中一个或多个系统并通过NCAP的性能测试要求的车辆在NHTSA网站上列为“推荐”。

When NHTSA first began recommending FCW and LDW systems for model year 2011 vehicles, the fitment rate for these systems was less than 0.2%. For model year 2018 vehicles, 38.3% were equipped with FCW, and 30.1% were equipped with LDW.


NHTSA also wants industry input on a number of key questions. For example:

  • NCAP当前FCW,CIB和/或DBS测试程序的任何方面是否需要进一步的改进或澄清?如果是这样,需要什么改进或澄清,为什么?
  • NHTSA是否应该仅授予配备FCW系统的车辆,以提供通行的通知警报?或者,是否还应该考虑将信用额度授予提供传递触觉警报的FCW系统的车辆?是否应该将某些触觉警报类型排除在考虑之外(如果NHTSA要授予通过NCAP测试的触觉警报的车辆授予信用),因为它们可能会使驾驶员造成麻烦,从而使他们更有可能禁用系统?评论者是否认为可以准确和客观地评估触觉警报?为什么或者为什么不?NHTSA避免将信用授予仅提供视觉警报的FCW系统是否合适?为什么或者为什么不?
  • Whether it’s appropriate for NHTSA to accept only vehicle manufacturer test data that was derived from tests conducted with the test target specified in NCAP’s test procedures, and which adhered to NCAP test specifications in all other respects.
  • 弯曲的道路可以应该考虑inclusio吗n in NCAP test procedures to evaluate LKS systems objectively.
  • NHTSA is requesting comment on adding Euro NCAP’s road-edge detection test to NCAP so that it may begin to address crashes that occur where lane markings may not be present.
  • If NHTSA was to adopt the lane-keeping-assist test methods from the Euro NCAP protocol for its LKS test procedure, should the LDW test procedure be removed from its NCAP program entirely and an LDW requirement be integrated into the LKS test procedure instead? Why or why not?
  • LKS system designs provide steering and/or braking to address lane departures (e.g., when a driver is distracted). To help re-engage a driver, should NHTSA specify that an LDW alert must be provided when the LKS is activated? Why or why not?
  • Is the Euro NCAP maximum excursion limit of 1 ft. (0.3 m) over the lane marking (as defined with respect to the inside edge of the lane line) for LKS technology acceptable, or should the limit be reduced to account for crashes occurring on roads with limited shoulder width? If the tolerance should be reduced, what tolerance would be appropriate and why? Should this tolerance be adopted for LDW in addition to LKS? Why or why not?
  • Among the ADAS technology NHTSA plans to include in its upgrade of NCAP is pedestrian automatic emergency braking (PAEB). NHTSA is seeking comment on integrating advanced lighting with the PAEB performance tests, and, in general, the testing of other ADAS technologies that may improve the forward camera’s ability to identify objects at night, and in turn, further improve overall ADAS performance


NHTSA is planning to create a rating system based on assessments related to the performance of ADAS technologies. Currently, NCAP places a check mark by the relevant ADAS technology on NHTSA’s website ( if two conditions are met: a vehicle is equipped with the safety technology recommended by NHTSA, and the system meets NCAP’s performance specifications.

Consumers are encouraged to look for vehicles equipped with ADAS that meet NCAP’s performance tests. These are intended to establish a minimum level of performance on which consumers can rely and compare among vehicles that have similar technologies



NHTSA could use points to convey ADAS rating information. Points could be used in lieu of stars or medals or in addition to these alternative rating communication concepts, and they may serve as the basis for any rating system approaches. One advantage of a points-based system is that it can provide improved delineation in ratings, thus benefiting consumers who may want to compare ratings between several vehicle models. However, a points-based system may cause consumer confusion if conveyed in addition to another communication rating concept, such as stars or medals.

NHTSA is seeking comment on the use of a potential points-based system to calculate future 5-star safety ratings for the crashworthiness testing program, if or when the agency decides to update that program. In this system, star ratings could be assigned directly from point values related to the results from crash test dummies rather than the existing system, which is based on probabilities of injury. The agency believes that this potential method would provide more flexibility in the future when updating the program.

For instance, new testing devices (e.g., crash test dummies), procedures, injury measurements, or other criteria could be added to the 5-star-ratings system. Points could be based on risk curve values or on criteria, such as reference values from existing federal regulations or other agency data. This points-based rating system approach would be similar to those used in other vehicle-safety consumer information programs such as IIHS and Euro NCAP.


2017年1月,NHTSA发布了有关联邦机动车安全标准的拟议规则制定通知:V2V安全通信(RIN 2127-AL55)。如果采用,将需要所有新型轻型车辆上的车辆到车辆(V2V)技术。


  • Available technology options that support device-to-device communications, including the development of advanced cellular technologies.
  • 有关可用光谱的不确定性,以实施车辆到全能技术(V2X)技术。
  • The development and deployment of V2X applications by both commercial and government entities.

While NHTSA continues to consider whether regulatory approaches for advancing V2V deployment is appropriate, given these changes, it’s also evaluating the potential inclusion of V2X in NCAP.


Where to Send Comments

提交的评论将有助于NHTSA做出明智的决定。联邦规则制定门户网站的URL是 Follow the online instructions for submitting comments.


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