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  • Sensors Converge 2022

    Check out the latest technology at this year's event
    Microchip Technology
    Ed Microchip Position Sensor Np Eye Candy Revised

    Inductive Position Sensor Targets EV Motor-Control Applications

    June 29, 2022
    This sensor driver/receiver IC uses PCB-based differential sensing coils and sophisticated topology to provide high accuracy and noise immunity in harsh environments.
    150738388 © Dmytro Hrynchenko | Dreamstime.com
    湿度传感器sor Dreamstime L 150738388


    June 28, 2022
    Renesas's HS400X families of relative-humidity sensors deliver results within three seconds.

    Advantages of Multi-Range Pressure Sensors

    June 27, 2022
    Superior Sensor's latest devices can detect eight different pressure ranges.
    Image credit: Texas Instruments
    Embedded Processor Ti

    Sub-$1 Wireless MCU Brings Bluetooth LE to More Devices

    June 23, 2022
    TI's latest Bluetooth LE MCUs, which sip less than 1 µA of standby power, have a starting price of less than a dollar.