电子设计23065 Gumstixaerocore促销

Gumstix Takes NVIDIA’s Jetson to the Air

July 25, 2018
Gumstix added NVIDIA’s Jetson to its Geppetto rapid design system and created a carrier board that targets drones.

Nvidia的Jetson TX1和TX2(Fig. 1)在紧凑的模块中输送超级计算打孔。They’re not cheap, but for less than $500, you get 256 general-purpose GPU (GPGPU) CUDA cores, a quad-core ARM A57, 4 GB of LPDDR4, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless, USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 support, plus up to six 2-lane CSI-2 camera inputs.

1. Jetson TX2模块(在开发委员会中显示)需要运营的载体板。

Jetson平台之所以受欢迎,是因为其计算支持,包括Jetson’s machine-learning support。Jetson可以运行Linux并已经处理了OpenCV vision framework to TensorFlow


GumstixNvidia Jetson的Aerocore 2(Fig. 2)确实通过为Jetson模块提供9轴惯性测量单元(IMU)和晴雨表,以针对无人机和机器人空间。它还具有GPS和Sierra无线LTE蜂窝调制解调器的连接。LTE调制解调器有一个SIM卡插槽。

2. Gumstix Aerocore 2支持NVIDIA的Jetson平台,具有多个相机输入以及9轴IMU和GPS支持等传感器。

此外,Aerocore 2结合了Stmicroelectronics’STM32F427based on an Arm Cortex-M4F microcontroller. The STM32F427 provides real-time control of devices like servos or motors. It comes with the open-source,PX4 flight controller autopilotsoftware, but the microcontroller can be easily reprogrammed. With the PX4 support, the Jetson can be used for other chores, such as planning and image recognition.

The Jetson supports up to six CSI-2 dual-channel camera inputs. The AeroCore 2 has connections for a pair of dual-channel CSI-2 cameras as well as a pair of four-channel inputs. The Jetson handles the high-speed interfaces like the USB 3.0, while the STM32F427 manages low-speed interfaces such as the UARTs and PWMs.

The micro-HDMI connector is linked to the Jetson module. Though this would probably not be used in a drone, it would be handy to link to a display when the drone isn’t flying.

The Geppetto Factor

As with most of Gumstix new boards, the Aerocore 2 was designed usingGumstix的Geppetto快速设计系统, creating a carrier board that targets drones.Geppettois a web-based board-layout tool that can be used without the need to understand or handle detailed printed-circuit-board (PCB) layout. Connections like linking a microcontroller to power a device is done at a logical level. For example, linking a STM32F427 to an I2C传感器是几下的问题。Geppetto处理实际路由。

The interface is easy to use. An item or area marked in red indicates something isn’t connected or there’s a positioning error. Green indicates that the item is good to go, and yellow indicates unresolved connections. Add items and connect them until the designed is complete and green. Drop down $1999 for a setup fee and then pay the per-board charge for any quantity you like. This is for a completely populated board, not just the PCB.


Geppetto does have some very useful items in its toolbox includingPower-over-Ethernet (PoE)and even an FRAM chip. The system can be utilized to design boards for platforms like Raspberry Pi and Arduino.

现有设计可用于新布局。在下面寻找自己的设计按钮Customizable Boards section该公司的网站。库存的董事会只有每板费用,但是任何定制的布局都需要设置费。新的Geppetto设计的板可以在15天内发货。

3. I redesigned the system to include a USB 3 connector and removed features like the HDMI interface.

我从头开始布置了Nvidia Jetson载体板(Fig. 3)in less than an hour. It had three CSI-2 camera sockets, a USB Type-C connector, the IMU and barometer, and some CAN transceivers. This might be more useful in a robot that employs a couple of CAN bus-based systems for motor control. Alternatively, I could have added a pair of Cortex-M4F processors to handle the PX4 software, with the second handling other real-time chores.

我没有我没有以来我的设计建造dozen robots that need a new set of eyes, but I will be checking out the AeroCore 2 when it arrives with a couple of cameras. The Jetson TX2 development board comes with only a single camera; I’ve used USB and Ethernet to connect to other cameras. The advantage of the CSI-2 interface is lower latency and higher frame rates.

Geppetto not only generates the layout, but also the board support package (BSP) and documentation. The BSP includes C headers and code files, along with Linux设备树诸如Jetson之类的平台的定义。

The Aerocore 2 for NVIDIA Jetson is priced at $275. This doesn’t include the Jetson module.


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