ElectrimeDesign 17552 Flashfire Promo


Aug. 18, 2017

Evidently, plugging the electronics for an entire booth into a single power strip isn’t a good idea. Nonetheless, the world of storage technology at this year’s Flash Memory Summit wasn’t going to be totally flummoxed by a fire(Fig. 1)。今年,Flash技术可能是一种以某种方式热量,但它是这次在问题上发出的老式交流。


这太糟糕了地板从未打开过,因为秀被包装了。它只是在keynotes的常设房间(Fig. 2)。在我托管的两个嵌入式会话中,我们有一个非常好的人群。

尽管秀地板关闭,但我确实获得了一些面试和见解。例如,横杆is focusing itsresistive RAM (ReRAM)in the embedded space. Look for it cropping up in microcontrollers and embedded chips versus DRAM DIMM slots. The ReRAM persistent-memory (PM) technology has significant advantages compared to flash including integration with CMOS manufacturing processes especially as designs shrink to smaller process nodes(Fig. 3)

3. ReRAM has significant advantages compared to flash, including integration with CMOS manufacturing processes, especially as designs shrink to smaller process nodes.


皇家可以解决DRAM和其他NVRAM技术,但这是一个高赌注游戏,需要深部口袋进行分配。嵌入式空间现在是一个更实用的目标,而Reram将其作为流程缩放到10 nm及以下的优点之一。它还可以处理3D堆叠实现。


Everspin Technologies’自旋扭矩磁阻随机存取存储器(ST-MRAM)是另一个PM技术,专注于利基市场与批发基础上的DRAM或闪存。像Reram一样,容量是主要限制因素,因为MRAM还提供更快的写入,更快的整体性能和无限写入寿命。


NVME设备的NVNITRO系列是许多数字之一EverspinMRAM焦点点(Fig. 4)。The firm is also sampling its 1-Gb ST-MRAM chips. The 1- and 2-GB nvNITRO systems are based on the earlier 256-Mb ST-MRAM chips. The systems can deliver over 1.5 million IOPS with 6-μs end-to-end latency. It will target caching and logging solutions in which high performance offsets a system’s more limited capacity.

我还有一些关于NGSFF的表单因素的详细信息,该系列也被英特尔称为“统治者”(图5)。壳体刚刚超过一英尺(325.25 mm),可以堆叠在12.5毫米的中心。38.6毫米的高度允许模块配合到1U机架安装系统中。它们从垂直背板连接器插入Amphenol., and the interface is compatible with M.2. M.2 modules are typically 22 mm wide and up to 110 mm long. NGSFF provides five times the area of a large M.2 module.

5. The NGSFF form factor is about a foot long with a hot-swap edge connection (left). It’s designed to fit into a 1U rack.

NGSFF模块将在Samsung 1u OB127-LX等平台上找到(图6)。The rack-mount systems hold up to 36 hot-swappable NGSFF modules for a current total capacity of 576 TB. This storage system runs a pair of Xeon processors with 24 DDR4 DIMM slots and two M.2 sockets that support PCEe Gen 3 x4 or SATA M.2 modules. It has Gigabit Ethernet interfaces and redundant, hot-swap power supplies.

6.三星的1U OB127-LX可容纳36个热插拔NGSFF模块,可容纳576-TB。

Other trends I saw at the show include the rapid adoption of NVMe and NVMe-over-Fabric (NVMe-oF), which I covered inNVME over Fabric解决了超高速存储需求。NVME-of适用于高性能嵌入式计算(HPEC)。

The存储网络行业协会(SNIA)NVM programming model (NPM) is worth investigating if you haven’t heard about it. I addressed it in mySNIA Delivers Non-Volatile Memory Programming Model文章。它适用于NVME以及JEDEC固态技术协会NVDIMM-F,NVDIMM-N和NVDIMM-P标准在处理器的内存总线上实现PM。

尽管如此,高端解决方案不是唯一的游戏。嵌入式存储也是在议程上,从讨论MLC和TLC在嵌入式空间中对安全问题的讨论。我和我谈过了瑞士人about its secure USB module(图7)

7。瑞士人’s USB module can protect data from inadvertent or malicious updates by requiring signed content.

TheSwissibitmodule is already available with SLC NAND flash, and its error-code-correction (ECC) support provides reliable storage. The flash firmware can be updated in the field, but it requires signed code from瑞士人。The firmware provides the same capability for user data, so updates for system boot code can be required to match digital signature information stored on the module. This additional security feature can be added to existing systems by replacing the USB module with one from瑞士人。It’s one of the few options available to designers with existing designs or products in the field.

8. SD卡来自瑞士人可以包含一个安全的元素,运行Java应用程序来管理加密存储。

Much of瑞士人’s security features are customizable, so developers will need to work with them to get the most out of a system. For example, the boot-code protection is actually more extensive with support for multiple partitions.瑞士法语S安全专业知识建立在公司的广泛支持下,与其安全的SD卡一样,具有运行Java applet的安全元素来管理加密存储的安全元素(图8)


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