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July 19, 2018
Apps and tools for smartphone-based augmented reality will help facilitate the creation of next-generation apps on AR glasses.

The real world is great, but augmented-reality (AR) technology can make it even better—more fun, informative, productive, and educational. While wearable AR glasses for consumers aren’t here yet, the good news is that all of the apps and tools for smartphone-based AR have paved the way for an easy migration to next-generation apps on AR glasses.

In a way, smartphone-based AR has acted as a proof of concept. The next step in hardware will be comfortable, high-performance, affordable AR glasses. But creating such devices requires overcoming several technical challenges.


自从流星崛起以来Pokemon Go in 2016, AR apps are popping up everywhere. In fact, companies like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and others have jumped on the bandwagon. AR development environments like苹果的Arkit和Google的Arcorehave helped tremendously to proliferate AR apps on iPhones and Android devices(图。1)。Now affordable, if not free, AR content-creation tools like Blippar, Zappar, and Aurasma are making it even easier for app developers, small and large businesses, and even nonprofit organizations to get into AR.

1. Adding retail information to a view is just one example of an augmented-reality application.

Games may have provided an initial impetus for AR, but now all sorts of new AR applications are finding their way into industries as diverse as education, marketing and advertising, architecture and engineering, museums, and beyond. Retailers like Ikea offer AR apps that let prospective buyers see how a piece of furniture will look in their homes. Airbnb has demonstrated an AR app that gives an informative guided tour to renters when they arrive.



Next-Gen Wearables

尽管智能手机上的应用程序可能已经证明了AR的生存能力和巨大潜力,但专门为AR应用设计的下一代眼镜将提供更强大和沉浸式的体验。Unlike smartphones, where the AR experience is bounded by the borders of the display screen on the phone, the images and graphics displayed by AR glasses will seem to float right in front of the viewer’s field of vision as if they were indeed real and a part of the scene.




Designers can follow several different approaches when designing the optimal AR glasses for a specific application. Each display technology will have its own strengths and weaknesses, but there are certain operational characteristics for any designer of AR glasses to consider when evaluating AR display technology, including:

低电量:为了使一组AR玻璃小巧且轻巧,显示子系统必须是低功率。AR显示器功耗的关键决定因素是其光学效率 - 有多少光线使其从照明源进入眼睛。一种非光学效率的设计会牺牲一个小的轻型外形以容纳更大的电池,或者由于电池容量有限而必须降低显示屏的亮度。


Brightness:The brightness of an AR display is a key determinant of the user experience. If brightness is limited, the display may not be able to create enough of a disparity between the displayed content and the background environment(图2)。In addition, if the glasses will be used outdoors, then the output of the display must be very bright for the content to be clearly perceptible.

2. A bright AR display (right) is a key determinant of the user experience. If brightness is limited (left), then the display may not be able to create enough of a disparity between the displayed content and the background environment.


3. A high contrast ratio (right) makes the content richer and immersive compared to a low-contrast (left) presentation.

High speed/low latency:在涉及头部运动的AR应用中,高率速率的低延迟显示尤其重要。在此类应用程序中,显示屏中的延迟可能会导致增强内容不正确与现实世界中的对象保持一致。


Next-generationAr眼镜will bring AR applications closer to achieving their full potential. Instead of boxing in the reality of an AR app in the way that a smartphone screen does, AR glasses will make the app and its reality part of the user’s reality. Getting there will require thoughtful consideration of design issues involving the glasses’ display subsystem.

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