
Personal Solar-Powered Desalination Unit Forgoes Filters

May 26, 2022
Controlled by a smartphone, researchers leveraged electronics and chemistry to build the self-managed system that removes particles and salts to the point where it exceeds WHO standards.


  • The shortcomings of conventional desalination units.
  • 如何使用高级电子和化学制定新方法和测试。
  • The performance achieved by this unit in field tests.

显然是没有需要“证明”benefits of portable, on-the-spot water desalination and purification. While many portable desalination systems based on reverse osmosis are already commercially available, they’re not a good fit for remote locations due to their need for power-hungry, high-pressure pumping and continual user maintenance. If only there was a portable, maintenance-free system that could operate from solar power, right?

It looks like we’re getting very close, as a team based at MIT in conjunction with participants from Northeastern University and the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM), has devised, built, and field-tested a 10-kg (22 lb.), portable (42 × 33.5 × 19 cm3淡化单元。它去除颗粒和盐以产生饮用水。该系统使用多阶段的电膜过程,而不是常规的反渗透(图。1)

The user-friendly design is self-managed—it requires no ongoing user attention since all measurement and control algorithms are embedded in its firmware, and it’s externally controlled by a smartphone. It operates at the push of a single button and automatically generates drinking water that exceeds World Health Organization (WHO) quality standards.

除脱盐外,该系统还将悬浮固体从源水中降低至少10倍,即使从浊度高于30 NTU的源水中产生了清澈的水(<1 NTU)(即,由外浊度高于30 ntu(即,通过浑浊浪潮)。注意:肾小管浊度单元(NTU)是用于测量流体浊度或水中悬浮颗粒的存在的标准参数。




ICP +电透析






After running experiments in the lab using water with different salinity and turbidity levels, they field-tested the device at Boston’s Carson Beach. In about half an hour, the device had filled a plastic drinking cup with clear, drinkable water.

The resulting water exceeded WHO quality guidelines, and the unit reduced the amount of suspended solids by at least a factor of 10. Their prototype generated drinking water at a rate of 0.3 liters per hour. It requires only 20 watt-hours per liter—an important performance metric.

“This is really the culmination of a 10-year journey that I and my group have been on. We worked for years on the physics behind individual desalination processes, but pushing all those advances into a box, building a system, and demonstrating it in the ocean, that was a really meaningful and rewarding experience for me,” said senior author Jongyoon Han, a professor of electrical engineering and computer science and of biological engineering, and a member of the Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE).


Their work,,,,including an explanation and detailedanalysis of the underlying chemistry,,,,is presented in their paper “Portable Seawater Desalination System for Generating Drinkable Water in Remote Locations“ 出版于Environmental Science & Technology(美国化学学会杂志)得到了全面的支持Supporting Information文件。还可以观看这个两分钟的视频,该视频提供了动手概述:


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